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Genesis 2–3 in Early Christian Tradition and 4QInstruction
Dead Sea Discoveries Pub Date : 2016-11-08 , DOI: 10.1163/15685179-12341407
Benjamin Wold 1

Narratives about the Garden of Eden from Genesis 2–3 were popular among both early Jewish and Christian interpreters. More than other compositions found at Qumran, 4QInstruction gives sustained attention to these chapters of Genesis when offering instruction. Observations about how creation traditions are used in 4QInstruction provides the opportunity to assess the intense debates about the use of these chapters among both the so-called “proto-orthodox” and “gnostic” Christians of, especially, the second-century CE . These competing interpretations of Genesis 2–3 in early Christianities display continuities with 4QInstruction and these interpretive strands offer perspective on later readers, most notably Augustine of Hippo.


早期基督教传统中的创世记 2-3 章和 4QInstruction

创世记 2-3 章关于伊甸园的叙述在早期的犹太和基督教解经家中都很流行。与 Qumran 中发现的其他作品相比,4QInstruction 在提供指导时会持续关注创世记的这些章节。关于创造传统如何在 4QInstruction 中使用的观察提供了一个机会来评估所谓的“原始正统派”和“诺斯替派”基督徒,尤其是公元 2 世纪的基督徒之间关于使用这些章节的激烈辩论。早期基督教中对创世记 2-3 章的这些相互竞争的解释显示出与 4QInstruction 的连续性,这些解释性线索为后来的读者提供了视角,尤其是河马的奥古斯丁。