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Remains of Tefillin from Naḥal Ṣeʾelim (Wadi Seiyal): A Leather Case and Two Inscribed Fragments (34Se 1 A–B)
Dead Sea Discoveries Pub Date : 2017-03-23 , DOI: 10.1163/15685179-12341413
Yonatan Adler 1

The present study presents and discusses the tefillin (phylactery) remains found in Cave 34 at Naḥal Ṣeʾelim within the framework of Yohanan Aharoni’s first 1960 expedition to the Judean Desert. Presented here are a leather tefillin case, never before reported upon, and two inscribed tefillin slips (34ṢePhyl A and 34ṢePhyl B) which have until now received only preliminary treatment. Very few close parallels to the Naḥal Ṣeʾelim tefillin slips are known from elsewhere in the Judean Desert. Both the tefillin slips and the case appear quite compatible with rabbinic descriptions and prescriptions, although there is little reason to label these ritual objects as in some way or another “rabbinic”. The paleographic analysis of the tefillin slips suggests that the texts were penned sometime in the second half of the first century CE. While a Bar Kokhba period date for the deposit of the tefillin remains in Cave 34 does not appear at all unlikely, an earlier dating—possibly First Revolt period—must not be precluded.


来自 Naḥal Ṣeʾelim (Wadi Seiyal) 的 Tefillin 遗骸:一个皮盒和两个刻有铭文的碎片 (34Se 1 A – B)

本研究展示并讨论了在 Yohanan Aharoni 1960 年首次远征朱迪亚沙漠的框架内,在 Naḥal Ṣeʾelim 的 34 号洞中发现的 tefillin(护命匣)遗骸。这里展示的是一个从未有过报道的皮革 tefillin 盒,以及两个刻有铭文的 tefillin 纸条(34ṢePhyl A 和 34ṢePhyl B),它们迄今为止仅接受过初步处理。在朱迪亚沙漠的其他地方,很少有人知道与 Naḥal Ṣeʾeʾelim tefillin 滑轨有密切的相似之处。tefillin 纸条和盒子似乎都与拉比的描述和处方非常兼容,尽管没有理由将这些仪式物品以某种方式或另一种“拉比”标签。对 tefillin 纸条的古文字分析表明,这些文本是在公元一世纪下半叶的某个时间写成的。