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The Ladies Vanish?
Comparative Sociology Pub Date : 2018-08-30 , DOI: 10.1163/15691330-12341471
Wei Luo 1 , Julia Adams 2 , Hannah Brueckner 3

Many notable female sociologists have vanished from the canonical history of American sociology. As the most influential crowd-sourced encyclopedia, Wikipedia promises – but does not necessarily deliver – a democratic corrective to the generation of knowledge, including academic knowledge. This article explores multiple mechanisms by which women either enter or disappear from the disciplinary record by analyzing the unfolding interaction between the canonical disciplinary history of sociology and Wikipedia. We argue that the uneven representation of women sociologists as (1) remembered, (2) neglected, (3) erased or, finally, (4) recovered is shaped by the emerging interactional space of knowledge production.



许多著名的女性社会学家已经从美国社会学的经典历史中消失了。作为最具影响力的众包百科全书,维基百科承诺——但不一定提供——对知识的产生进行民主纠正,包括学术知识。本文通过分析社会学规范学科史与维基百科之间正在展开的互动,探讨了女性进入学科记录或从学科记录中消失的多种机制。我们认为,女性社会学家在 (1) 被记住、(2) 被忽视、(3) 被抹去或最终 (4) 恢复的不均衡代表性是由新兴的知识生产互动空间所塑造的。