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One Clock Fits All? Time and Imagined Communities in Nineteenth-Century Germany
Central European History ( IF 0.520 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0008938919000955
Oliver Zimmer

Many Germans defended local time well beyond 1893, when Germany adopted a time standard bearing on the life of the entire nation. Yet the defining feature of Germany's temporal landscape was its multilayered nature, with North and South adopting different temporal regimes and undergoing different experiences. Focusing on the spread of (railway-induced) standard time and the responses it provoked, this article offers an investigation of German time culture in the nineteenth century. Out of curiosity and because their lives depended on it, Germans took an interest in obtaining the right time from the frequently contradictory horological landscapes they inhabited. Yet their shared curiosity did not breed conformity. The inspectors of the station clocks concerned with accuracy and synchronicity; the townsfolk in southern Germany who fast-forwarded their favorite public clock in order to get to the station in time; the Prussian scientists and villagers who opposed railway time becoming public time—they all, in their own way, contributed to putting time back in its place.


一个时钟适合所有人?19 世纪德国的时间和想象的社区

许多德国人在 1893 年之后为当地时间辩护,当时德国采用了一种关系到整个民族生活的时间标准。然而,德国时间景观的决定性特征是其多层次的性质,北方和南方采用不同的时间制度,经历不同的经历。本文着眼于(铁路引起的)标准时间的传播及其引起的反应,对 19 世纪的德国时间文化进行了调查。出于好奇,并且因为他们的生活依赖于此,德国人对从他们居住的经常相互矛盾的钟表景观中获取正确的时间产生了兴趣。然而,他们共同的好奇心并没有促成从众。车站时钟的检查员关注准确性和同步性;德国南部的市民为了准时到达车站而将他们最喜欢的公共时钟快进;反对将铁路时间变成公共时间的普鲁士科学家和村民——他们都以自己的方式为将时间放回原位做出了贡献。