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Captivating Readers: Middlebrow Aesthetics and James Hilton’s Lost Horizon
CEA Critic Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/cea.2017.0018
Jeffrey Mather

A bestseller during its day, Lost Horizon became the first-ever mass-market paperback and has never been out of print since its initial release…. Further demonstrating the novel’s enduring influence and appeal, Lost Horizon has inspired several sequel novels, a musical, radio adaptations, and the namesake for the Shangri-La Hotel chain. Indeed, the word Shangri-la itself was coined by Hilton and has found a place in the OED. Although not all these appropriations are necessarily to be lauded, it is clear that Lost Horizon has maintained a prominence in popular culture that is difficult to reduce or explain away in terms of mere entertainment value.


迷人的读者:Middlebrow Aesthetics 和 James Hilton 的 Lost Horizo​​n

作为当时的畅销书,《失落的地平线》成为有史以来第一本大众市场平装书,自首次发行以来从未绝版过…… 进一步展示了这部小说的持久影响力和吸引力,《失落的地平线》启发了多部续集小说、音乐剧、广播改编以及香格里拉连锁酒店的同名小说。事实上,香格里拉这个词本身就是希尔顿创造的,并在 OED 中占有一席之地。尽管并非所有这些挪用都必须受到称赞,但很明显,《失落的地平线》在流行文化中一直保持着突出地位,仅就娱乐价值而言,这很难减少或解释。