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Scalia’s Legacy: Originalism and Change in the Law of Standing
British Journal of American Legal Studies Pub Date : 2017-05-24 , DOI: 10.1515/bjals-2017-0006
James E. Pfander 1

Abstract Perhaps no single Justice fashioned as many changes to the law of standing as that most gifted originalist, Antonin Scalia. It was Justice Scalia who first deployed twentieth century standing rules to invalidate a citizen suit provision; who promoted the prudential rule against the adjudication of generalized grievances to constitutional status; who pressed to constitutionalize the adverse-party rule; who reconfigured informer litigation to preserve the injury-in-fact requirement; and who recently re-packaged the Court’s old prudential standing doctrine as a merits-based inquiry into the plaintiff’s statutory right to sue. That he has done so much to re-work modern litigation in the name of fidelity to the workways of eighteenth century lawyers “in the English courts at Westminster” testifies to his considerable rhetorical skills. In this essay, I evaluate Justice Scalia’s contributions to this important body of jurisdictional law and then step back to consider his legacy.



摘要也许没有哪个大法官能像最有才华的原始主义者安东宁·斯卡利亚(Antonin Scalia)那样做出如此多的地位法律变更。斯卡利亚大法官首先采用了20世纪的常规规则,使一项公民诉讼条款无效。谁提倡了审慎的规则,以反对将普遍的冤屈裁决为宪法地位;谁要求将反党的规则宪法化;谁重新配置了告密者诉讼,以保留实际伤害要求;最近,他重新包装了法院的旧审慎常任原则,将其作为对案情的起诉原告的法定权利的依据。以“保真”的名义,他为“十八世纪律师在威斯敏斯特的英国法院工作”所做的工作,为重做现代诉讼做了很多工作,这证明了他的丰富的修辞技巧。