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The Art of Solitude: Environments of Prayer at the Bavarian Court of Wilhelm V
Art History Pub Date : 2017-03-20 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-8365.12312
Christine Göttler

This essay examines a unique project to revive the place, imagery, and cultural memory of solitude within a reformed Catholic context. Originating at the Munich court of the retired Duke Wilhelm V, the project was closely related to an increase in the practice of meditation across the Catholic world, in which 'controlled' interior spaces as well as material artefacts were given a pivotal role. The focus is on two types of medial and material representations of heremits' spaces, which intersected and interacted with each other: the heremitages built at the initiative of Duke Wilhelm V in his city residence and near his country retreat at Schleissheim; and the series of copper engravings depicting hermits by the Flemish brothers Jan I and Raphael I Sadeler after designs by Maarten de Vos. The new anchorite 'philosophy' that emerged at the court of Wilhelm V soon became fashionable in cities and at court across Europe.



本文考察了一个独特的项目,旨在在改革后的天主教环境中恢复孤独的地方、意象和文化记忆。该项目起源于退休的威廉五世公爵的慕尼黑宫廷,与天主教世界冥想实践的增加密切相关,其中“受控”的内部空间和材料手工艺品被赋予了关键作用。重点是隐士空间的两种媒介和物质表现,它们相互交叉和相互作用:由威廉五世公爵在他的城市住所和施莱斯海姆的乡村度假胜地附近建造的隐士;以及佛兰德兄弟 Jan I 和 Raphael I Sadeler 根据 Maarten de Vos 设计的描绘隐士的系列铜版画。新的隐士“哲学”