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Integrating Morphological Knowledge in Literacy Instruction
TEACHING Exceptional Children Pub Date : 2016-01-27 , DOI: 10.1177/0040059915623526
Eric Blancaflor Claravall

T EA C H IN G E xc ep ti on al C hi ld re n , V ol . 48 , N o. 4 , pp . 19 5 – 20 3. C op yr ig ht 2 01 6 T he A ut ho r( s) . D O I: 1 0. 11 77 /0 04 00 59 91 56 23 52 6 Ms. Gonzalez, a resource specialist, has been teaching a multilevel special education class for 8 years in California. She teaches language arts to third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students with high-incidence disabilities. Like other special education teachers, her approach to teaching foundational literacy skills to students who struggle to read focuses on phonological decoding. Her current reading program provides explicit and direct instruction on word reading and spelling. As a result, many of her students are able to identify letters and sounds, manipulate sounds (e.g., segmenting, blending, deleting, substituting), and map sounds to letters or letter patterns. Yet when students are confronted with complex, multisyllabic words in their reading, they either skip the words or struggle to sound them out. Many of her fourthand fifth-grade students, for example, have shown inadequate word identification strategies and spelling skills with complex words, such as improbable, submarine, or redevelopment, and with subject-specific words used in content area reading, like dehydrate, semicircle, and plantation.



TEA CH IN GE xcep ti on al Child ren, Vol. 48 号 4,页。19 5 – 20 3. 版权 2 01 6 A ut hor(s) 。DOI:1 0. 11 77 /0 04 00 59 91 56 23 52 6 资源专家 Gonzalez 女士在加州教授多层次特殊教育课程 8 年。她为三、四年级和五年级的高残疾学生教授语言艺术。与其他特殊教育教师一样,她向阅读困难的学生教授基础识字技能的方法侧重于语音解码。她目前的阅读计划提供有关单词阅读和拼写的明确而直接的指导。因此,她的许多学生都能够识别字母和声音,操纵声音(例如,分割、混合、删除、替换),并将声音映射到字母或字母模式。然而,当学生在阅读中遇到复杂的、多音节的单词时,他们要么跳过这些单词,要么努力把它们读出来。例如,她的许多四年级和五年级学生在使用复杂词(如不可能、潜艇或重新开发)以及在内容区域阅读中使用特定主题的词(如脱水、半圆)时表现出不足的单词识别策略和拼写技巧,和种植园。