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Book Review: Are the Germans setting the stage for societally responsible internationalization?
Research in Comparative and International Education Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1177/1745499920954320
Jessica D. Schüller 1

Transnational German Education and Comparative Education Systems: Research and Practice (2020), edited by Benjamin Nickl, Stefan Popenici and Deane Blackler, is part of a series entitled Global Germany in Transnational Dialogues. The series takes a broad scope targeted at expanding interdisciplinary dialogue and advancing the goal to provide a renewed glance at Germany’s relations to other countries since the turn of the century. The editors explicitly invite readers to apply the conversations to other transnational contexts, and that is exactly where I see one of the primary values in this compilation. This book review advances questions about the application of German transnational education projects as they relate to internationalization for society. Suggestions for further editions in the series include incorporating research from the host countries impacted by German TNE and German citizens’ concerns about the societal relevance of German TNE. I have two goals for this book review: first, I aim to link the themes presented in the book to the current state of international higher education amid the challenges and changes that have been sped up by the global pandemic. Then, I will present an overview of each chapter in the book and end with closing thoughts about opportunities for development.



本杰明·尼克尔(Benjamin Nickl),斯特凡·普彭蒂奇(Stefan Popenici)和迪恩·布莱克勒(Deane Blackler)编辑的《跨国德国教育和比较教育系统:研究与实践》(2020年),是《跨国对话中的全球德国》丛书的一部分。该系列书涵盖了广泛的领域,旨在扩大跨学科的对话,并推动实现自世纪之交以来德国与其他国家的关系重新焕然一新的目标。编辑明确邀请读者将对话应用到其他跨国环境中,这正是我在此汇编中看到的主要价​​值之一。本书回顾提出了与德国跨国教育项目在社会国际化方面的应用有关的问题。对于该系列的进一步版本的建议包括纳入受德国TNE影响的东道国的研究以及德国公民对德国TNE的社会意义的关注。在本书的复习中,我有两个目标:首先,我希望将本书中提出的主题与国际大流行所带来的挑战和变化带来的国际高等教育现状联系起来。然后,我将对本书中的每一章进行概述,并以关于发展机会的闭幕思考作为结尾。我的目标是将本书中介绍的主题与国际大流行所带来的挑战和变化所面临的国际高等教育现状联系起来。然后,我将对本书中的每一章进行概述,并以关于发展机会的闭幕思考作为结尾。我的目标是将本书中介绍的主题与国际大流行所带来的挑战和变化所面临的国际高等教育现状联系起来。然后,我将对本书中的每一章进行概述,并以关于发展机会的闭幕思考作为结尾。