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Recontextualising race, politics and inequality in transnational knowledge circulation: Biographical resignifications
Research in Comparative and International Education Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.1177/1745499920946202
Joel Windle 1

This article examines shifts in the meaning and relevance of institutionalised knowledge about social inequalities as it circulates globally. In so doing, it contributes to research critiquing an unequal geopolitics of knowledge that grants greatest authority to theories produced in the global north (Connell, 2007; Mignolo, 2003). I discuss the resignification of globally circulating texts in terms of their entextualisation and reflect on my own role in this process through an auto-ethnographic narrative. I focus on two widely circulating texts that explicitly deal with questions of social power and globalisation: ‘On the cunning of imperialist reason’ (Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1999) and ‘A pedagogy of multiliteracies’ (The New London Group, 1996). Examination of their re-entextualisation in Brazil points to the need to bring to bear additional epistemological resources attuned to social and political struggles in order to address the racial inequalities that have come to be at the forefront of my own scholarly concerns. The article concludes by suggesting ways of engaging with globally circulating knowledge through the incorporation of knowledge produced by local struggles and emerging from everyday categories, giving the example of possible uses of the Brazilian concept of gambiarra.



本文探讨了关于社会不平等的制度化知识在全球范围内传播的意义和相关性的变化。这样一来,它有助于开展研究,以批判不平等的地缘政治知识,从而赋予全球北部产生的理论以最大的权威性(Connell,2007; Mignolo,2003)。我讨论了全球传播文本在文本化方面的意义,并通过自动民族志叙述来反思我在这一过程中的角色。我关注两个广泛流传的文本,这些文本明确地处理了社会权力和全球化问题:“帝国主义理性的狡猾”(Bourdieu和Wacquant,1999年)和“多元文化教育学”(新伦敦集团,1996年)。对他们在巴西的重新文本化的检验表明,有必要利用适应社会和政治斗争的其他认识论资源,以解决种族不平等问题,而种族不平等问题已成为我自己学术关注的焦点。本文最后提出了通过整合当地斗争产生的,从日常类别中出现的知识来与全球流通知识互动的方法,并举例说明了巴西概念的可能用途。冈比亚拉
