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Priorities of training of digital personnel for industry 4.0: social competencies vs technical competencies
On the Horizon Pub Date : 2019-10-11 , DOI: 10.1108/oth-08-2019-0058
Elena G. Popkova , Kristina V. Zmiyak

The purpose of this paper is to determine the priorities of formation of competencies during training of digital personnel for industry 4.0.,The author performs two experiments for determining the scenario according to which industry 4.0 develops and will develop: the first experiment is aimed at determining the influence of the number of robots at unemployment level in 2019 and 2022 with the help of regression and correlation analysis (regression curves are built). The second experiment is connected to evaluation of the ratio of the number of robots to the number of population in 2019 and 2022. The research objects are countries with the highest number of robots in the world – i.e. with the highest level of development of industry 4.0; the information and empirical basis is materials of the International Federation of Robotics and the International Monetary Fund for 2019 and their forecasts for 2022.,The results of the performed experiments showed that in 2019 and 2022 the level of robotization of socio-economic systems of the countries of the world will be very low, and robotization will not cause growth of unemployment. Based on this, it is concluded that industry 4.0 will be developing according to the scenario of moderate automatization and robotization with preservation of domination of human labor in most business processes and spheres of economy. Communications with people will constitute the basis of the activities of digital personnel, and social competencies (with obvious significance of technical competencies) will be of top priority for them.,It is substantiated that technical competencies, with their large importance, will move to the background, while the key task will be society’s adaptation to the new technological mode and making social competencies the highest priority. The social and technical competencies of digital personnel in view of the performed tasks for industry 4.0 are determined.



本文的目的是确定行业4.0数字人才培训过程中能力形成的优先顺序。作者进行了两个实验,以确定根据行业4.0发展和将要发展的场景:第一个实验旨在确定借助回归和相关分析(已建立回归曲线),对2019年和2022年处于失业水平的机器人数量的影响。第二个实验与评估2019年和2022年机器人数量与人口数量的比率有关。研究对象是世界上机器人数量最多的国家,即工业4.0发展水平最高的国家。 ; 信息和经验基础是国际机器人技术联合会和国际货币基金组织2019年的材料及其对2022年的预测。进行的实验结果表明,2019年和2022年,该国社会经济系统的机器人化水平世界上所有国家/地区都将处于非常低的水平,并且机器人化不会导致失业人数的增加。在此基础上得出的结论是,将在适当的自动化和机器人化的情况下发展工业4.0,并在大多数业务流程和经济领域中保持对劳动力的控制。与人的交流将构成数字化人员活动的基础,而社会能力(具有明显的技术能力意义)将是他们的重中之重。可以肯定的是,技术能力非常重要,将移至后台,而关键任务将是社会适应新技术模式,并使社会能力成为重中之重。鉴于行业4.0所执行的任务,确定了数字人员的社会和技术能力。