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Doing and being: future graduates, careers and Industry 4.0
On the Horizon Pub Date : 2019-10-11 , DOI: 10.1108/oth-08-2019-0048
David Starr-Glass

The purpose of this conceptual study is to reflect on “career” and consider the ways in which its meaning and structure have changed and will continue to change during the era of Industry 4.0. It contends that career advice to students and soon-to-be graduates is an integral part of the educational process and that an understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by career should be initiated within academia.,The study is a critical reflection on the literature and the present author’s experience and practice in student career advisement, particularly in the management and business sectors. The methodology used is essentially phenomenological, and the central approach is to make sense of the changing construct of career and the ways in which those changes impact relevant stakeholders. The work is not empirically based and may well have limited generalizability. Nevertheless, it is hoped that it will be of particular interest, value and relevancy to students, graduates and those engaged in career-related issues.,This study contends that the ongoing evolution of career is best understood as a shift from a progressive sequences of “doing” towards a more expansive and meaningful narrative of “being” and becoming. Recognition of this shift, especially for those studying business-centered subjects, will provide graduates with a better map and direction as they embark on their career trajectories.,Graduation success is critically important for individuals, educational institutions and society at large. A fundamental aspect of perceived success, particularly for business school graduates, is the ability to develop a rewarding career trajectory. This study offers original perspectives on career and presents suggestions that may be of value to those who are about to graduate, to their educational institutions and to those who will deal with them in their work and professional futures.



本概念研究的目的是反思“职业”,并考虑其含义和结构发生变化的方式,并将在工业4.0时代继续发生变化。它认为,对学生和即将毕业的毕业生的职业建议是教育过程中不可或缺的一部分,应该在学术界内开始对职业所带来的挑战和机遇的理解。该研究是对文献的批判性反思。以及本作者在学生职业咨询方面的经验和实践,尤其是在管理和商业领域。所使用的方法学本质上是现象学的方法,中心方法是了解职业的变化结构以及这些变化对相关利益相关者的影响方式。这项工作不是基于经验的,并且可能具有局限性。然而,希望它对学生,毕业生和从事与职业相关问题的人们特别有意义,有价值并具有相关性。本研究认为,最好的理解是职业的不断发展是从逐步发展的过程中转移出来的。 “正在”朝着“存在”和“成为”的更广泛和有意义的叙述前进。认识到这种转变,特别是对于那些以商业为中心的学科的学习者,将为毕业生在踏上职业道路时提供更好的定位和方向。毕业成功对个人,教育机构和整个社会至关重要。成功的基本方面,尤其是对于商学院毕业生而言,是发展有意义的职业轨迹的能力。这项研究提供了关于职业的原始观点,并提出了一些建议,这些建议可能对即将毕业的人,其教育机构以及将在工作和职业前景中与他们打交道的人具有价值。