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Introduction: Thirty Years of Borders Since Berlin
New Global Studies Pub Date : 2019-11-18 , DOI: 10.1515/ngs-2019-0038
Melissa Tandiwe Myambo 1 , Pier Paolo Frassinelli 2

Abstract November 9, 2019 marked the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the physical and geopolitical barrier that divided Berlin and the East from the West. This event symbolically inaugurated the period of post-Cold War globalization. The birth of the World Wide Web that same year spurred on globalization and led many observers to believe that (national) borders had become passé. The zeitgeist seemed to promise a borderless world in which capitalism and democracy would flourish. However, instead, the last three decades have paradoxically borne witness to the proliferation, rescaling, and reinforcement of territorial and other types of borders – linguistic, religious, ethnic, class, racial, urban, cultural, digital, temporal etc. The contemporary preoccupation with borders and walls is the result of the “deglobalization” that is also, ironically, a global phenomenon – Brexit, Trump’s border wall, Israel’s concrete wall in the West Bank, xenophobia from South Africa to India to “Fortress Europe,” and the growing power of right wing authoritarian leaders in several nations. The resurgence of (ethno)nationalism, racism, white supremacy, isolationism, populism, protectionism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and religious fundamentalism are all dialectical consequences of this global backlash. This is the subject of this special issue.



摘要 2019 年 11 月 9 日是柏林墙倒塌 30 周年,这是分隔柏林和东西方的物理和地缘政治障碍。这一事件象征性地开启了冷战后全球化时期。同年万维网的诞生刺激了全球化,并使许多观察家相信(国家)边界已经过时。时代精神似乎承诺了一个无国界的世界,资本主义和民主将在其中蓬勃发展。然而,相反,过去三十年矛盾地见证了领土和其他类型边界——语言、宗教、民族、阶级、种族、城市、文化、数字、时间等——的扩散、重新调整和加强。当代对边界和围墙的关注是“去全球化”的结果,具有讽刺意味的是,它也是一种全球现象——英国脱欧、特朗普的边界墙、以色列在西岸的混凝土墙、从南非到印度到“欧洲堡垒”的仇外心理, ”以及一些国家右翼威权领导人的权力不断增长。(民族)民族主义、种族主义、白人至上主义、孤立主义、民粹主义、保护主义、伊斯兰恐惧症、反犹太主义和宗教原教旨主义的复苏都是这种全球反弹的辩证后果。这是本期特刊的主题。(民族)民族主义、种族主义、白人至上主义、孤立主义、民粹主义、保护主义、伊斯兰恐惧症、反犹太主义和宗教原教旨主义的复苏都是这种全球反弹的辩证后果。这是本期特刊的主题。(民族)民族主义、种族主义、白人至上主义、孤立主义、民粹主义、保护主义、伊斯兰恐惧症、反犹太主义和宗教原教旨主义的复苏都是这种全球反弹的辩证后果。这是本期特刊的主题。