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The Fall of the Post-Industrial, Post-Global, Post-Colonial World
New Global Studies Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: 10.1515/ngs-2020-0002
Laura Burocco

Abstract The essay presents the dynamics of what we call “new globalization,” a second stage of the emergence of a new regime, which, as a result of capital’s need to continuously find new frontiers of accumulation, is extending to countries previously considered as residual peripheries. It analyzes cultural diplomacy and university education as two tools used to manage power and reproduce class divisions now designed by an economic meritocratic system of global intellectual creative elites locally circumscribed and globally connected.



摘要 本文介绍了我们所说的“新全球化”的动态,这是一种新制度出现的第二阶段,由于资本需要不断寻找新的积累前沿,这种制度正在扩展到以前被认为是剩余的国家。外围。它将文化外交和大学教育分析为两种用于管理权力和再现阶级划分的工具,现在由受本地限制和全球联系的全球知识创新精英的经济精英体系设计。