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Questioning rationality: Martel’s philosophy of transpersonal self in Life of Pi
Neohelicon Pub Date : 2020-03-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s11059-020-00530-5
Linpeng Ding

In the novel Life of Pi . the story uses a human-animal story to articulate Martel’s transpersonal aesthetics which reconsiders traditional Western philosophical notions of the self, maturity, and rationality. The naming of Martel’s protagonist enacts a symbolic subversion of the subject-object hierarchy, placing the self in a relational continuum with other inanimate and insentient beings. It also blurs the boundary between humanity and animality, thus questioning the role of Western rationality which defines the self as a perfection of unity, autonomy, and independence. The novel also sets forth the notion of a transpersonal, transcultural self through religious pluralism, and expresses an ecological, metaphysical self coterminous with the entire universe. Martel’s philosophical reflection on the transpersonal self expresses the need for breaking the limits Western philosophy has imposed on the boundary of the self.



在小说《圆周率的生活》中。故事用人与动物的故事来阐述马特尔的超个人美学,它重新考虑了西方传统哲学中关于自我、成熟和理性的观念。Martel 主人公的命名象征性地颠覆了主客体等级制度,将自我置于与其他无生命和无感知存在的关系连续体中。它还模糊了人性和动物性之间的界限,从而质疑西方理性的作用,即将自我定义为统一、自主和独立的完美。小说还通过宗教多元化提出了超个人、跨文化的自我概念,表达了一种与整个宇宙相连的生态、形而上学的自我。