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Book Review: Building Global Education with a Local Perspective. An Introduction to Glocal Higher Education
Journal of Research in International Education Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1475240920946136
Boris Prickarts 1

consideration of how racial and ethnic identity, culture, class, sexuality and gender intersect with power and privilege. Though no single road map exists, with practice we can navigate through the discomfort of losing our bearings towards a stance of open listening and being present. The idea of breathing into the moment as a powerful tool for transformation may appear overly simplistic, but Taranath argues that paying attention to ‘details, patterns, and behaviours associated with identity and social advantage’ can lead to more effective action against unjust structures. One of the main strengths of Beyond Guilt Trips is its rare engagement with the fact that building critical thinking through experiential education opens students’ eyes to the heavy weight of new knowledge about the status quo. The author’s frank discussion of the need to counter waves of despair or paralysis is not often considered in literature on developing global citizens or intercultural competencies. Asking each of us to recognise that a world of joy co-exists with a world of suffering is not a Pollyanna platitude but a path to hopeful growth. By illustrating the inclusive framework for thought that the seemingly simple word ‘and’ allows, the author encourages us to embrace complexity: an open conversation navigates between honesty and discomfort; we need to be critical and compassionate when thinking about our ‘do-good’ activities; our global experiences and our local lives can be improved by mindful travel; our unexamined thought processes can be comforting and narrow-minded. Taranath’s writing is keenly informed by years of work in the field of racial equity as an educator, facilitator and speaker. Approachable and honest, her book is a much-needed resource for students and educators looking for a way to listen and learn about questions that need answering, in 2020 in particular. How do histories, policies and attitudes shape each of our lives? How is the inherited web of historical inequalities perpetuated through contemporary systemic inequalities? And how can I better engage with difference while supporting the students I work with to do the same?



考虑种族和民族认同、文化、阶级、性取向和性别如何与权力和特权相交。虽然不存在单一的路线图,但通过练习,我们可以克服迷失方向的不适,转向开放倾听和存在的立场。将呼吸作为转变的有力工具的想法可能看起来过于简单,但塔拉纳特认为,关注“与身份和社会优势相关的细节、模式和行为”可以导致对不公正结构采取更有效的行动。Beyond Guilt Trips 的主要优势之一是它罕见地参与了这样一个事实,即通过体验式教育建立批判性思维,让学生们看到了关于现状的新知识的沉重负担。作者关于应对绝望或瘫痪浪潮的必要性的坦率讨论在有关发展全球公民或跨文化能力的文献中并不常见。要求我们每个人都认识到快乐的世界与痛苦的世界并存,这不是 Pollyanna 的陈词滥调,而是通往充满希望的成长之路。通过说明看似简单的“和”一词所允许的包容性思想框架,作者鼓励我们接受复杂性:在诚实和不适之间进行开放式对话;在考虑我们的“行善”活动时,我们需要具有批判性和同情心;有意识的旅行可以改善我们的全球体验和当地生活;我们未经审查的思维过程可能令人欣慰且心胸狭窄。塔拉纳特 (Taranath) 的作品深受在种族平等领域多年作为教育者、促进者和演讲者的工作影响。她的书平易近人且诚实,是学生和教育工作者急需的资源,他们正在寻找一种倾听和学习需要回答的问题的方法,尤其是在 2020 年。历史、政策和态度如何塑造我们每个人的生活?历史不平等的继承网络如何通过当代系统性不平等延续下去?我怎样才能在支持与我一起工作的学生做同样的事情的同时更好地融入差异?政策和态度塑造了我们每个人的生活?历史不平等的继承网络如何通过当代系统性不平等延续下去?我怎样才能在支持与我一起工作的学生做同样的事情的同时更好地融入差异?政策和态度塑造了我们每个人的生活?历史不平等的继承网络如何通过当代系统性不平等延续下去?我怎样才能在支持与我一起工作的学生做同样的事情的同时更好地融入差异?