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Unwed Pregnancy and Adoption in Postwar Greece (1950–1983)
Journal of Modern Greek Studies Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/mgs.2019.0018
Eirini Papadaki

Abstract:Since the mid-1990s, more and more stories about reunions of adoptees with birth families in Greece are being made public via the media, mostly television. These stories have brought to the fore, for the first time, past violence that had been inflicted by the state, by close relatives, and by local communities upon poor unmarried mothers. This article focuses on the birthmothers' social and precarious economic position, the violence of the normative values of "honor and shame" and the total lack of state and affiliation networks to support these vulnerable women, whose only available legitimate choice was to relinquish their child for adoption. Years after they had relinquished their newborn children for adoption, and when attitudes within Greek society towards the status of women had changed, these birthmothers had found various ways to keep their memories alive and to claim their position as mothers of their relinquished infants.



摘要:自 1990 年代中期以来,越来越多关于希腊被收养者与亲生家庭团聚的故事通过媒体(主要是电视)公开。这些故事第一次凸显了过去由国家、近亲和当地社区对贫穷的未婚母亲施加的暴力。这篇文章的重点是出生母亲的社会和不稳定的经济地位、“荣誉和耻辱”的规范价值观的暴力以及完全缺乏支持这些弱势妇女的国家和附属网络,她们唯一可用的合法选择是放弃他们的孩子供收养。在他们将新生的孩子交给收养多年后,当希腊社会对妇女地位的态度发生变化时,