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Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) as Alternative Lifeworlds: Transformative Learning in Cyberspace
Journal of Transformative Education Pub Date : 2020-06-22 , DOI: 10.1177/1541344620932224
Shantanu Tilak 1 , Michael Glassman 1 , Irina Kuznetcova 1 , Joshua Peri 1 , Qiannan Wang 1 , Ziye Wen 1 , Amanda Walling 1

Direct instruction (PowerPoint presentations, lectures) often imposes hierarchical classroom structures where the teachers are considered experts, imparting knowledge to passive learners. However, the emergence of tools like Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) encourages the creation of democratic learning environments. We hypothesize that these tools lead to higher degrees of civil discourse within the classroom and create transformative learning trajectories for students, allowing them to create shared purpose to incite social change. By comparing reflectivity displayed in weekly students’ blogging assignments in a classroom using an MUVE (Second Life), and one using direct instruction, we sought to gauge the effect MUVEs had on students’ reflectivity with the passage of time. Results indicated that MUVEs facilitated more critical reflection and transformative learning trajectories as compared to direct instruction frameworks.


作为另类生活世界的多用户虚拟环境 (MUVE):网络空间中的变革性学习

直接教学(PowerPoint 演示文稿、讲座)通常采用分层的课堂结构,其中教师被视为专家,向被动学习者传授知识。然而,多用户虚拟环境 (MUVE) 等工具的出现鼓励了民主学习环境的创建。我们假设这些工具会导致课堂内更高程度的公民话语,并为学生创造变革性的学习轨迹,使他们能够创造共同的目标来激发社会变革。通过比较使用 MUVE(第二人生)的教室和使用直接教学的每周学生博客作业中显示的反射率,我们试图衡量随着时间的推移 MUVE 对学生反射率的影响。