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Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Process Research: A quick ride through what you should know about process (research)
Journal of Analytical Psychology Pub Date : 2019-10-28 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-5922.12547
Michael B. Buchholz 1

This paper gives an overview of psychoanalytic process research, which brings to light the complexity of psychotherapy sessions. This complexity is so rich that many instruments intended to make the process measurable failed in the past because they initially used a strategy of complexity reduction. This method however did not help to further our understanding of the complexity involved. Three former presidents of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (Stiles, Hill, Elliot 2015) decided to solve the following equivalence paradox: many therapies work successfully though they all follow different theories, produce a heterogeneity of processes and often enough a misfit between what theories maintain to be a good process and their realization in the treatment room. As theories are often compared to maps, a driver would wonder which route to take. But therapists-as-drivers go undaunted - and nevertheless achieve their goals together with their patients. Norcross and Wampold (2018) found that good therapists invent new therapies with every new patient. They hypothesize that it is because of conversation. This is in accord with the 3 former presidents' proposal to return to detailed single case analyses including the micro-analytic power of conversation analysis of which a few insights are outlined in this article.



本文概述了精神分析过程研究,揭示了心理治疗课程的复杂性。这种复杂性非常丰富,以至于过去许多旨在使过程可测量的工具都失败了,因为它们最初使用了降低复杂性的策略。然而,这种方法并没有帮助我们进一步了解所涉及的复杂性。心理治疗研究协会的三位前任主席(Stiles, Hill, Elliot 2015)决定解决以下等价悖论:许多疗法虽然都遵循不同的理论,但效果很好,产生了过程的异质性,并且在理论所支持的内容之间经常出现不匹配是一个很好的过程,并在治疗室实现。由于理论经常被比作地图,司机会想知道该走哪条路线。但作为司机的治疗师并没有气馁——并且仍然与患者一起实现他们的目标。Norcross 和 Wampold (2018) 发现优秀的治疗师会为每位新患者发明新疗法。他们假设这是因为谈话。这与三位前任总统的提议一致,即返回详细的单一案例分析,包括对话分析的微观分析能力,本文概述了其中的一些见解。