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Steadily Attached to His Majesty? Varieties of Loyalism in Revolutionary New York
Journal of Early American History Pub Date : 2019-12-10 , DOI: 10.1163/18770703-00902009
Sophie H. Jones 1

This paper responds to most recent works on the complexity of loyalist identities during the American Revolution. It forms a close reading of over 400 claims submitted by self-identified loyalist claimants from the former colony of New York to the Loyalist Claims Commission. Through a case study of three New York counties (the city and county of New York, Albany County and Tryon County), the paper demonstrates that the loyalist experience differed greatly between the three distinct geographic regions; different counties entered the war at different stages, while demonstrations of loyalism and the range of services provided by loyalists to advance the British cause varied considerably. The paper also outlines (and justifies the use of) the potential of three broad categories by which to analyze loyalist claimants: namely, ‘active’, ‘reluctant’ and ‘passive’. Ultimately, this paper concludes that the varying nature of loyalism was largely the product of local contextual circumstance.



这篇论文回应了最近关于美国革命期间忠诚者身份复杂性的著作。它仔细阅读了来自纽约前殖民地的自我认同的忠诚索赔人向忠诚索赔委员会提交的 400 多份索赔。通过对纽约三个县(纽约市和县、奥尔巴尼县和特赖恩县)的案例研究,本文表明三个不同地理区域之间的忠诚体验差异很大;不同的郡在不同的阶段参战,而效忠者的表现和效忠者为推进英国事业而提供的服务范围却大不相同。该论文还概述了(并证明了使用)三个大类的潜力,通过这些类别来分析忠诚的主张者:即“积极的”、“不情愿”和“被动”。最终,本文得出的结论是,忠诚的不同性质在很大程度上是当地环境的产物。