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Displacing Captives in Colonial South Carolina: Native American Enslavement and the Rise of the Colonial State after the Yamasee War
Journal of Early American History Pub Date : 2017-07-21 , DOI: 10.1163/18770703-00702001
D. Andrew Johnson

The Yamasee War was a watershed moment in the history of colonial South Carolina. The trade in captive Native Americans through Charles Town was much lower after the war, but did not stop. Continuities across this rupture included captives coming into possession of the colony through the same mechanisms as before the war: as diplomatic gifts, as captives taken in warfare, or as traded commodities. While the liberalized and chaotic trade in captive Native Americans was a concern for colonial officials before the Yamasee War, after the outbreak of war, planters, who controlled of the assembly, made it official policy to remove all Native American captives coming into the colony from the continent, with a few notable exceptions. The main change in how the captive trade worked came with the colonial government’s moves to stand as arbiter over what captives could come into the colony and then force colonists to sell the captives to other colonies. The Native American captive trade therefore became an important site of colonial state-building in the period between 1715 and 1735.



山西战争是南卡罗来纳州殖民历史上的一个分水岭。战后,通过查尔斯镇俘虏美洲原住民的贸易量要低得多,但并没有停止。跨越这一断裂的连续性包括俘虏通过与战前相同的机制进入殖民地:作为外交礼物,作为战俘俘虏,或作为贸易商品。虽然在 Yamasee 战争之前,被俘虏的美洲原住民的自由化和混乱的贸易是殖民官员所关心的问题,但在战争爆发后,控制集会的种植园主将所有进入殖民地的美洲原住民俘虏从大陆,但有几个值得注意的例外。俘虏贸易运作方式的主要变化来自殖民政府的举措,即在俘虏可以进入殖民地的问题上充当仲裁者,然后迫使殖民者将俘虏出售给其他殖民地。因此,美洲原住民俘虏贸易成为 1715 年至 1735 年期间殖民国家建设的重要场所。