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Malcolm X’s 1964 Critique of American Law: a Call for Legal Revision
Journal of African American Studies Pub Date : 2020-07-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s12111-020-09482-7
Robert Betts

Malcolm X delivered 2 speeches less than a month apart in the spring of 1964, directly after his break from the nation of Islam. In these talks, Malcolm tied American law to injustice, highlighting the legal deceptions that often prevent full freedom for African Americans. His call demanded that audiences real and imagined see the law for what it was while warning of a new level of racial strife if white trickery persisted.


马尔科姆·X(Malcolm X)1964年对美国法律的批判:呼吁进行法律修订

马尔科姆十世(Malcolm X)离开伊斯兰国后,就在1964年春天相隔不到一个月的时间里发表了两次演讲。在这些会谈中,马尔科姆(Malcolm)将美国法律与不公正联系在一起,强调了通常会阻止非洲裔美国人享有充分自由的法律欺骗。他的呼吁要求听众真实而有想象力地了解法律,同时警告如果白人骗术继续存在,种族冲突将再上新台阶。