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Proficiency and Giftedness: The Role of Language Comprehension in Gifted Identification and Achievement
Journal for the Education of the Gifted Pub Date : 2020-09-18 , DOI: 10.1177/0162353220955225
Rashea Hamilton 1 , Daniel Long 2 , D. Betsy McCoach 2 , Vonna Hemmler 3 , Del Siegle 2 , Sarah D. Newton 2 , E. Jean Gubbins 2 , Carolyn M. Callahan 3

English learners (ELs) are the fastest growing population of students in the United States and currently represent nearly 10% of public school enrollment; however, they also constitute less than 3% of gifted program enrollment in these schools. Although an increasing number of studies explore this underrepresentation, research that specifically examines the role of language proficiency in gifted identification is limited. This study explored the role of several factors on ELs’ time to reclassification (the point at which students are considered to have reached language proficiency and are no longer classified as ELs) and, in turn, being identified for gifted services. The findings suggested notable demographic and socioeconomic influences on the time to reclassification of ELs. Students who were reclassified earlier tended to be enrolled in schools with more gifted students and had a greater probability of being identified as gifted.



英语学习者 (EL) 是美国增长最快的学生群体,目前占公立学校入学人数的近 10%;然而,他们也只占这些学校天才课程入学人数的不到 3%。尽管越来越多的研究探讨了这种代表性不足,但专门研究语言能力在天才识别中的作用的研究是有限的。本研究探讨了几个因素对 EL 重新分类时间(学生被认为已达到语言熟练程度并且不再被归类为 EL)并进而被确定为有天赋的服务的时间的作用。研究结果表明,人口统计学和社会经济对 EL 重新分类的时间有显着影响。