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Responses of Arab teachers of Hebrew in Israel to an Israeli novel on Jewish-Arab relations
Journal for Multicultural Education Pub Date : 2019-12-11 , DOI: 10.1108/jme-07-2019-0058
Shai Rudin

This study aims to examine the responses and perceptions of Israeli Arab teachers toward multicultural and educational issues concerning Jewish–Arab relations.,This study is a qualitative research. The study included 44 novice Arab teachers, who teach Hebrew in the Arab sector and are currently studying toward their masters’ degree at a teacher education college in northern Israel. The teachers were asked to read the novel Nadia by Galila Ron Feder–Amit. Published in 1985, the novel describes the complex integration of Nadia, an Arab village girl, into a Jewish boarding school, and it is narrated in first person. After having read the novel, the teachers were requested to answer the writing task, which addressed the character of the protagonist, the issue of teaching the novel in the Jewish and Arabic educational systems and the anticipated responses of Jewish and Arab students to the novel.,Phenomenological analysis of the teachers’ responses found that the reading experience was complex and resulted in a variety of responses toward the protagonist. Some were based on identification and appreciation, while others on criticism and judgment of the heroine’s restraint vis-a-vis the racism that she was experiencing. However, most of the teachers demonstrated moral courage and thought that the novel should be taught, as they viewed it as a bridge leading to understanding between the two nations. The teachers anticipated conflicting responses of Jewish and Arab students to the novel, according to the students’ political views and values.,These findings indicate that the educational system should include political texts relating to the Jewish–Arab schism, especially texts that voice the Palestinian narrative. This view differs from the current situation in both sectors, whereby the tendency is to avoid political texts while ignoring the Palestinian narrative.,The study shows that the reading experience of a political novel affords various and often contrasting responses with the teachers facing the didactic challenges. The teachers who participated in the study anticipated complexity of the reading and teaching process, yet were not deterred by it, particularly in view of the novel’s messages – striving to understand the “other” and to bridge a discourse between the nations.



这项研究旨在研究以色列阿拉伯教师对有关犹太阿拉伯关系的多元文化和教育问题的反应和看法。该研究是定性研究。该研究包括44名新手阿拉伯教师,他们在阿拉伯语领域教希伯来语,目前正在以色列北部的师范教育学院攻读硕士学位。老师要求加利拉·罗恩·费德·阿米特(Galila Ron Feder–Amit)读小说《纳迪亚》。该小说于1985年出版,描述了阿拉伯乡村姑娘纳迪亚(Nadia)融入犹太人寄宿学校的复杂过程,并以第一人称叙述。读完小说后,要求老师回答写作任务,该任务针对主角的性格,在犹太和阿拉伯教育体系中教授小说的问题以及犹太和阿拉伯学生对小说的预期反应。对教师反应的现象学分析发现,阅读经历很复杂,导致对小说的反应多种多样。主角。有些是基于认同和欣赏,而另一些则是基于对女主人公相对于她所经历的种族主义的克制的批评和判断。但是,大多数老师表现出了道德上的勇气,并认为应该教授这本小说,因为他们认为这是通向两国之间理解的桥梁。根据学生的政治观点和价值观,老师们预计犹太和阿拉伯学生对小说的反应会相互矛盾。这些发现表明,教育系统应包括与犹太人-阿拉伯分裂有关的政治文本,尤其是那些表达巴勒斯坦叙事的文本。这种观点与两个部门的现状不同,后者倾向于在忽略巴勒斯坦叙事的同时避免使用政治文本。研究表明,政治小说的阅读经验与面对教义挑战的教师提供了多种且往往形成对比的回应。参加这项研究的老师们预料到阅读和教学过程的复杂性,但并没有因此而受阻,特别是鉴于小说所传达的信息–努力理解“他者”并架起民族之间的对话。特别是表达巴勒斯坦叙事的文字。这种观点与两个部门的现状不同,后者倾向于在忽略巴勒斯坦叙事的同时避免使用政治文本。研究表明,政治小说的阅读经验与面对教义挑战的教师提供了多种且往往形成对比的回应。参加这项研究的老师们预料到阅读和教学过程的复杂性,但并没有因此而受阻,特别是鉴于小说所传达的信息–努力理解“他者”并架起民族之间的对话。特别是表达巴勒斯坦叙事的文字。这种观点与两个部门的现状不同,后者倾向于在忽略巴勒斯坦叙事的同时避免使用政治文本。研究表明,政治小说的阅读经验与面对教义挑战的教师提供了多种且往往形成对比的回应。参加这项研究的老师们预料到阅读和教学过程的复杂性,但并没有因此而受阻,特别是鉴于小说所传达的信息–努力理解“他者”并架起民族之间的对话。研究表明,政治小说的阅读经历会给面对教师挑战的教师提供各种且往往是相反的回应。参加这项研究的老师们预料到阅读和教学过程的复杂性,但并没有因此而受阻,特别是鉴于小说所传达的信息–努力理解“他者”并架起民族之间的对话。研究表明,政治小说的阅读经历会给与面对教学挑战的老师多种多样且往往是相反的反应。参加这项研究的老师们预料到阅读和教学过程的复杂性,但并没有因此而受阻,特别是鉴于小说所传达的信息–努力理解“他者”并架起民族之间的对话。