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Epistolary Exchanges with Women
Jewish History Pub Date : 2019-10-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-019-09320-8
Renée Levine Melammed , Uri Melammed

Any discussion of women’s letters involves a consideration of levels of literacy, the use of scribes, and an examination of linguistic registers. The use of a scribe does not necessarily mean that the sender was illiterate but possibly means that she was interested in having a more appropriate literary style featured in the letter. The frequency of travel in Geniza society augmented the need for epistolary exchanges, especially for families contending with separations, which were often lengthy. The sample letter presented reflects the strong ties between two sisters as well as their concerns. These women cared for one another deeply and did not hesitate to express their feelings clearly. Correspondence was often problematic as the mail did not always reach its destination; thus, family members constantly worried about one another.



对女性信件的任何讨论都涉及对识字水平、抄写员的使用和语言记录的检查的考虑。使用抄写员并不一定意味着发件人是文盲,但可能意味着她有兴趣在信中使用更合适的文学风格。Geniza 社会的旅行频率增加了书信交流的需求,特别是对于经常长时间分居的家庭而言。提供的样本信反映了两姐妹之间的紧密联系以及他们的担忧。这些女人彼此深切关心,毫不犹豫地把自己的感情表达得很清楚。由于邮件并非总能到达目的地,因此通信通常会出现问题;因此,家庭成员不断地互相牵挂。