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Infancia y Aprendizaje ( IF 0.714 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/02103702.2018.1480312
Maria Grever 1 , Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse 2

Background and rationale This call for papers, situated in the area of expertise in history teaching and learning, seeks recent empirical research outcomes that bridge the gap between studies on popular culture, and history education and/or social studies. There is a growing interest in the influence of popular uses of the past as a way of informal learning by means of traveling, tourism, visiting museums, watching movies, playing games, using Instagram, attending musicals, participating in living history and reenactments. Remarkably enough we know little about the interaction between popular culture and learning history, between informal and formal education (Grever, 2017), both in general and related to different age groups and their (meta)cognitive and affective abilities. Hence, our main question for this Special Issue is: To what extent can both fields benefit from each other to enhance historical consciousness of young people in a pluralist democracy? Over the last decades historical events are increasingly remembered or even celebrated in popular genres that embrace experience and emotion, and aim to attract as many participants as possible (Daugbjerg, 2011). Museums stage an exciting past by combining story-telling with ultramodern techniques such as augmented reality, three-dimensional displays, animations and apps. Today, people can also experience historical events at any place and any time—not only through streaming video on demand (e.g., through Netflix)—but also by playing video games with opportunities for first shooter experiences (Kingsepp, 2006). In these games, excitement and immersive experiences are often more important than multiperspectivist and nuanced historical understanding, resulting in dichotomous representations and appropriations. On the other hand, history educators use various new media in the classroom, they teach students to assess digital data, and visit with their students memorial parks, heritage sites and museums. Besides a growing interest in the opportunities of informal education and popular uses of the past, the boundaries between formal (school) and informal education are increasingly fading due to technological innovations (e.g., apps, smartboards), didactic developments (e.g., the didactics Infancia y Aprendizaje / Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 2018 Vol. 41, No. 3, 619–624, https://doi.org/10.1080/02103702.2018.1480312



背景和基本原理这项要求征集的论文位于历史教学领域,研究人员寻求近期的实证研究成果,以弥合大众文化研究与历史教育和/或社会研究之间的鸿沟。人们越来越关注过去的流行用途作为非正式学习方式的影响,这些途径包括旅行,旅游,参观博物馆,看电影,玩游戏,使用Instagram,参加音乐剧,参加生活史和重演。足够明显的是,我们对大众文化与学习历史之间,非正式与正规教育之间的相互作用(Grever,2017)了解甚少,这些相互作用一般而言都与不同年龄段及其(元)认知和情感能力有关。因此,我们对此特刊的主要问题是:两个领域在多大程度上可以相互受益,以提高多元民主国家年轻人的历史意识?在过去的几十年中,历史事件越来越受到人们的欢迎,甚至以具有经验和情感的流行形式来庆祝,其目的是吸引尽可能多的参与者(Daugbjerg,2011)。博物馆通过将讲故事与超现代技术(如增强现实,三维显示,动画和应用程序)相结合,开创了激动人心的过去。如今,人们还可以在任何地方,任何时间体验历史事件,不仅可以通过点播流式视频(例如,通过Netflix),还可以通过玩视频游戏来获得首次射击的机会(Kingsepp,2006年)。在这些游戏中 激动和身临其境的经历通常比多角度论者和细微的历史理解更重要,从而导致二分法的表象和挪用。另一方面,历史教育者在教室中使用各种新媒体,他们教导学生评估数字数据,并与学生一起参观纪念公园,历史遗址和博物馆。除了对非正式教育的机会和过去的流行用途越来越感兴趣之外,由于技术创新(例如,应用程序,智能板),教学法的发展(例如,教学法的英法西亚语),正规(学校)和非正式教育之间的界限正在逐渐消失。 y Aprendizaje /教育与发展研究杂志,2018年第41卷,第3期,619-624页,https://doi.org/10.1080/02103702.2018.1480312 导致二分法表示和专用。另一方面,历史教育者在教室中使用各种新媒体,他们教导学生评估数字数据,并与学生一起参观纪念公园,历史遗址和博物馆。除了对非正式教育的机会和过去的流行用途越来越感兴趣之外,由于技术创新(例如,应用程序,智能板),教学法的发展(例如,教学法的英法西亚语),正规(学校)和非正式教育之间的界限正在逐渐消失。 y Aprendizaje /教育与发展研究杂志,2018年第41卷,第3期,619-624页,https://doi.org/10.1080/02103702.2018.1480312 导致二分法表示和专用。另一方面,历史教育者在教室中使用各种新媒体,他们教导学生评估数字数据,并与学生一起参观纪念公园,历史遗址和博物馆。除了对非正式教育的机会和过去的流行用途越来越感兴趣之外,由于技术创新(例如,应用程序,智能板),教学法的发展(例如,教学法的英法西亚语),正规(学校)和非正式教育之间的界限正在逐渐消失。 y Aprendizaje /教育与发展研究杂志,2018年第41卷,第3期,619-624页,https://doi.org/10.1080/02103702.2018.1480312 他们教学生评估数字数据,并与学生一起参观纪念公园,历史遗迹和博物馆。除了对非正式教育的机会和过去的流行用途越来越感兴趣之外,由于技术创新(例如,应用程序,智能板),教学法的发展(例如,教学法的英法西亚语),正规(学校)和非正式教育之间的界限正在逐渐消失。 y Aprendizaje /教育与发展研究杂志,2018年第41卷,第3期,619-624页,https://doi.org/10.1080/02103702.2018.1480312 他们教学生评估数字数据,并与学生一起参观纪念公园,历史遗迹和博物馆。除了对非正式教育的机会和过去的流行用途越来越感兴趣之外,由于技术创新(例如,应用程序,智能板),教学法的发展(例如,教学法的英法西亚语),正规(学校)和非正式教育之间的界限正在逐渐消失。 y Aprendizaje /教育与发展研究杂志,2018年第41卷,第3期,619-624页,https://doi.org/10.1080/02103702.2018.1480312