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Parent and student voice in evaluation and planning in schools
Improving Schools Pub Date : 2019-12-24 , DOI: 10.1177/1365480219895167
Martin Brown 1 , Gerry McNamara 1 , Shivaun O’Brien 1 , Craig Skerritt 1 , Joe O’Hara 2 , Jerich Faddar 3 , Sakir Cinqir 4 , Jan Vanhoof 3 , Maria Figueiredo 5 , Gül Kurum 4

Current approaches to the regulation of schools in most jurisdictions tend to combine elements of external inspection with systems of internal self-evaluation. An increasingly important aspect of the theory and practice of both, but particularly the latter, revolves around the role of other actors, primarily parents and students, in the process. Using literature review and documentary analysis as the research method, this article explores the research literature from many countries around the concerns of schools and teachers about giving a more powerful voice to parents and pupils. Then, focusing on Ireland, this article tries to clarify three things, official policy concerning stakeholder voice in school self-evaluation and decision making, the efforts by schools to implement this policy and the response to date of school leaders and teachers to this rather changed environment. Using Hart’s ladder of genuine, as opposed to token, participation, it is argued that policy mandating parental and student involvement has evolved significantly, that schools have responded positively and that there is little evidence, as yet, of teacher concern or resistance. This response is explained by the low stakes and improvement-focused education environment; the controlled, structured and simplified nature of the self-evaluation process; and the limited extent of parental and student participation in decision making.



大多数司法管辖区当前的学校监管方法倾向于将外部检查要素与内部自我评估系统结合起来。两者理论和实践的一个日益重要的方面,尤其是后者,围绕着其他参与者(主要是家长和学生)在此过程中的作用。本文以文献综述和文献分析为研究方法,围绕学校和教师对让家长和学生发出更强大声音的关注,探索了来自多个国家的研究文献。然后,本文以爱尔兰为中心,试图澄清三件事情,关于学校自我评估和决策中利益相关者声音的官方政策,学校为实施这项政策所做的努力以及学校领导和教师迄今为止对这种变化很大的环境的反应。使用 Hart 的真正参与阶梯,而不是象征性参与,有人认为强制家长和学生参与的政策已经发生了显着变化,学校做出了积极回应,而且目前几乎没有证据表明教师担心或抵制。这种反应的原因是低风险和注重改进的教育环境;自我评估过程的受控、结构化和简化性质;以及家长和学生参与决策的程度有限。有人认为,强制要求家长和学生参与的政策已经发生了重大变化,学校做出了积极回应,而且目前几乎没有证据表明教师担心或抵制。这种反应的原因是低风险和注重改进的教育环境;自我评估过程的受控、结构化和简化性质;以及家长和学生参与决策的程度有限。有人认为,强制要求家长和学生参与的政策已经发生了重大变化,学校做出了积极回应,而且目前几乎没有证据表明教师担心或抵制。这种反应的原因是低风险和注重改进的教育环境;自我评估过程的受控、结构化和简化性质;以及家长和学生参与决策的程度有限。