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Sympathy for the Devil? Exploring Flexicurity Win–Win Promises
IZA Journal of Labor Policy Pub Date : 2019-11-16 , DOI: 10.2478/izajolp-2019-0009
Pablo de Pedraza 1 , Marcos Álvarez-Díaz 2 , Marcos Domínguez-Torreiro 1

Abstract Flexicurity is the combination of more flexibility for employers and more security for workers. It is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that lacks a well-developed monitoring framework or a statistically consistent grouping of the indicators. First, this paper proposes a conceptual framework by building upon the Wilthagen and Tros (2004) flexicurity matrix and the Danish Golden Triangle. It constructs flexicurity “drivers” by pooling together variables that are conceptually related to each other and a specific type of flexibility or security. Then, it obtains statistically consistent aggregate measures for each driver and selects three drivers that represent the three corners of the Danish “golden triangle”: external numerical flexibility, employment security, and income security. It conducts an empirical analysis on the evolution of the selected flexicurity drivers over time and across European Union (EU) countries and on the relationship between selected flexicurity drivers and social outcomes from the Social Scoreboard of the European Pillar of Social Rights. It finds evidence of convergence on external numerical flexibility and polarization on employment and income security across the EU. It finds that higher flexibility at the onset of the crisis contributed to a reduction in the unemployment rates after the crisis, while a more generous welfare system contributed to reducing poverty. Employment security, however, appears to be linked to the presence of higher levels of income inequality after the crisis.



摘要灵活性是为雇主提供更多灵活性和为工人提供更多安全性的结合。这是一个复杂而多方面的现象,缺乏完善的监测框架或指标的统计一致性。首先,本文基于Wilthagen and Tros(2004)挠度矩阵和丹麦金三角提出了一个概念框架。它通过将概念上彼此相关的变量以及特定类型的灵活性或安全性汇集在一起​​,构造出灵活性“驱动程序”。然后,它为每个动因获得统计上一致的汇总度量,并选择三个代表丹麦“金三角”三个角的动因:外部数值灵活性,就业保障和收入保障。它对选定的挠性驱动因素随时间推移以及整个欧盟(EU)国家的演变进行了实证分析,并分析了选定的挠性驱动因素与《欧洲社会权利支柱社会评分板》中的社会结果之间的关系。它发现了外部数字灵活性趋同,整个欧盟就业和收入安全两极化的证据。它发现,危机爆发时更高的灵活性有助于减少危机后的失业率,而更慷慨的福利制度有助于减轻贫困。然而,就业安全似乎与危机后收入不平等加剧有关。