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Adapting the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) to the EEA Two-Pillar Structure – A Workable Solution?
European Company and Financial Law Review Pub Date : 2019-10-09 , DOI: 10.1515/ecfr-2019-0020
Andri Fannar Bergþórsson

In response to the global financial crisis, the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) was created in 2010. Supranational bodies were established for different financial sectors to act as supervisors of sorts for national-level supervisors in EU Member States. This article focuses on how the system was adapted to three EFTA States that are not part of the EU but form the internal market along with EU Member States through the EEA Agreement – Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein (EEA EFTA States). The aim is to clarify how ESFS has been incorporated into the EEA agreement and to discuss whether this a workable solution for the EEA EFTA States that have not transferred their sovereignty by name in the same manner as the EU Member States. One issue is whether the adaptation has gone beyond the limits of the two-pillar structure, as all initiative and work stem from the EU supranational bodies and not the EFTA pillar.



为应对全球金融危机,于2010年建立了欧洲金融监管体系(ESFS)。针对不同金融部门建立了超国家机构,以充当欧盟成员国国家级监管者的监管者。本文重点介绍如何将该系统适应不属于欧盟而是通过EEA协议与欧盟成员国一起形成内部市场的三个EFTA国家-冰岛,挪威和利希滕斯坦(EEA EFTA国家)。目的是阐明如何将ESFS纳入EEA协议,并讨论这对于没有以与欧盟成员国相同的名义转让其主权的EEA EFTA国家是否可行。一个问题是适应性是否超出了两支柱结构的限制,