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Contrasting Perspectives on the Comfort and Safety of Pedestrians Interacting with Other Road Users
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-12 , DOI: 10.1177/0361198121992272
Alexander Bigazzi 1 , Gurdiljot Gill 2 , Meghan Winters 3

Assessments of interactions between road users are crucial to understanding comfort and safety. However, observers may vary in their perceptions and ratings of road user interactions. The objective of this paper is to examine how perceptions of yielding, comfort, and safety for pedestrian interactions vary among observers, ranging from members of the public to road safety experts. Video clips of pedestrian interactions with motor vehicles and bicycles were collected from 11 crosswalks and shown to three groups of participants (traffic safety experts, an engaged citizen advisory group, and members of the general public) along with questions about yielding, comfort, and risk of injury. Experts had similar views of yielding and comfort to the other two groups, but a consistently lower assessment of injury risk for pedestrians in the study. Respondent socio-demographics did not relate to perceptions of yielding, comfort, or risk, but self-reported travel habits did. Respondents who reported walking more frequently rated pedestrian comfort as lower, and respondents who reported cycling more frequently rated risk as lower for pedestrian interactions with both motor vehicles and bicycles. Findings suggest small groups of engaged citizens can provide useful information about public perspectives on safety that likely diverge from expert assessments of risk, and that sample representation should be assessed in relation to travel habits rather than socio-demographics.



评估道路使用者之间的互动对于理解舒适性和安全性至关重要。但是,观察者对道路使用者互动的看法和评价可能会有所不同。本文的目的是研究观察者对行人交互的屈服,舒适度和安全性的看法在观察者之间如何变化,从公众成员到道路安全专家。从11个人行横道收集行人与机动车和自行车互动的视频片段,并向三组参与者(交通安全专家,敬业的公民咨询小组和公众)展示,以及关于屈服,舒适度和风险的问题受伤 专家们对其他两组人的屈服和舒适度有相似的看法,但是研究中行人受伤风险的评估一直较低。受访者的社会人口统计学与屈服感,舒适感或风险感无关,但自我报告的出行习惯却与之相关。报告步行次数较多的受访者将行人舒适度评为较低,而报告骑行频率较高的受访者将行人与机动车和自行车互动的风险较低。调查结果表明,参与工作的公民小组可以提供关于公众安全观点的有用信息,这些观点可能与专家对风险的评估有所出入,并且应该根据出行习惯而不是社会人口统计学来评估样品的代表性。以及报告骑自行车的频率更高的受访者将行人与汽车和自行车互动的风险降低了。调查结果表明,参与工作的公民小组可以提供关于公众安全观点的有用信息,这些观点可能与专家对风险的评估有所出入,并且应该根据出行习惯而不是社会人口统计学来评估样品的代表性。以及报告骑自行车的频率更高的受访者将行人与汽车和自行车互动的风险降低了。调查结果表明,一小群参与进来​​的公民可以提供有关公众安全观点的有用信息,这些观点可能与专家对风险的评估有所不同,并且应该根据出行习惯而不是社会人口统计学来评估样品的代表性。
