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Operation Burnt Frost: A View From Inside
Space Policy ( IF 1.609 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.spacepol.2021.101411
Nicholas L. Johnson

This viewpoint summarizes my personal involvement in Operation Burnt Frost, the U.S. government interagency undertaking to mitigate the human casualty risk of the reentry of USA-193 in 2008. In fact, my unique involvement dates back to shortly after the launch of the spacecraft, more than a year before its destruction. This operation has been the subject of erroneous public speculations surrounding the origin and motivation of this activity and which remain to this day. Finding no authoritative published work to present a fuller, more accurate picture of the background and exciting 2 months of Operation Burnt Frost, I offer this summary to clarify the endeavor.



这个观点总结了我个人参与“燃烧的弗罗斯特行动”(Opert Burnt Frost)的过程,这是美国政府间机构为减轻2008年USA-193再入造成人员伤亡的风险所做的努力。实际上,我的独特参与可以追溯到航天器发射后不久。比销毁前一年。此操作一直是围绕此活动的起源和动机进行的错误公众猜测的主题,并且一直持续到今天。找不到权威的著作来提供更完整,更准确的背景图片以及令人兴奋的2个月的《霜冻行动》,我提供此摘要来阐明这一工作。
