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Long‐Term Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Factors Associated with Trends in Bare‐Nosed Wombats
Journal of Wildlife Management ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-12 , DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22014
Scott Carver 1 , Michael Charleston 2 , Gregory Hocking 3 , Rosemary Gales 3 , Michael M. Driessen 3

Geographically widespread species present challenges for conservation assessment. We used long‐term spotlight surveys to assess spatiotemporal dynamics of bare‐nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus), encompassing 34 years of surveys for the Tasmanian mainland sub‐species (V. u. tasmaniensis, 1985–2018) and 25 years for the Flinders Island sub‐species (V. u. ursinus, 1994–2018). Wombat populations increased on the Tasmanian mainland by 2.59 times and on Flinders Island by 3.51 times (urn:x-wiley:0022541X:media:jwmg22014:jwmg22014-math-0001 = 1.05 and 1.1 times increase/yr, respectively). At smaller spatial scales on mainland Tasmania, increases in wombat counts generally occurred within meteorological regions and regional zones, except for the Central North (West Tamar) region where a decrease in wombats is linked to a sarcoptic mange disease epizootic. We used generalized additive models to assess relationships between variables and wombat counts. The most supported variables at the mainland Tasmania scale were (in order of importance) year, positive associations with time‐lagged minimum temperature, Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) counts, and moonlight, and a negative association with time‐lagged rainfall. Among meteorological regions, variables associated with wombat counts exhibited some heterogeneity, with temperature and rainfall the most frequently associated variables. Our long‐term, large‐scale, and ecologically diverse analysis of bare‐nosed wombats supports spotlight monitoring as a valuable, relatively simple, and affordable survey method in Tasmania and beyond. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.



地理上分布广泛的物种为保护评估提出了挑战。我们使用长期的聚光灯调查来评估裸鼻袋熊(Vombatus ursinus)的时空动态,包括塔斯马尼亚大陆亚种(V. u。tasmaniensis,1985-2018)的34年调查和弗林德斯(Flinders)的25年调查岛屿亚种(V. u。ursinus,1994–2018)。塔斯马尼亚大陆袋熊种群增加了2.59倍,弗林德斯岛种群增加了3.51倍(缸:x-wiley:0022541X:媒体:jwmg22014:jwmg22014-math-0001 分别为每年的1.05倍和1.1倍)。在塔斯马尼亚大陆的较小空间尺度上,袋熊数量的增加通常发生在气象区和区域区域内,除了中北部(西塔玛尔)地区,袋熊数量的减少与cop痒的芒格病流行有关。我们使用广义加性模型来评估变量与袋熊数量之间的关系。塔斯马尼亚大陆规模上最受支持的变量是(按重要性顺序)年,与时滞最低温度呈正相关,塔斯马尼亚恶魔(Sarcophilus harrisii))数,月光以及与时滞降雨之间的负相关关系。在气象区域中,与袋熊数量相关的变量表现出一定的异质性,其中温度和降雨是最常见的变量。我们对裸鼻袋熊的长期,大规模,生态多样化的分析支持在塔斯马尼亚州及其他地区将聚光灯监测作为一种有价值,相对简单且可负担的调查方法。©2021野生动物协会。