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Does litter decomposition affect mite communities (Acari, Mesostigmata)? A five-year litterbag experiment with 14 tree species in mixed forest stands growing on a post-industrial area
Geoderma ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.114963
Cezary K. Urbanowski , Paweł Horodecki , Jacek Kamczyc , Maciej Skorupski , Andrzej M. Jagodziński

Decomposition and topsoil microclimate, mainly humidity and soil temperature, affects the availability of nutrients, as well as the edaphon structure, including soil mites, springtails, nematodes, insects and oligochaetes. Soil arthropod decomposers are the food base for predators in the soil trophic chains, including mesostigmatid (gamasid) mites. The aim of our study was to describe the succession of mesostigmatid assemblages on decomposed litter of 14 tree species in mixed stands growing on a reclaimed post-mining site. We hypothesized that litter species would significantly affect the gamasid abundance, species richness and diversity. Moreover, we hypothesized that mesostigmatid abundance, species richness and diversity would be higher in deciduous litter compared to pioneer Scots pine litter. Additionally, along with the decomposition process, the gamasid diversity, species richness and abundance would be significantly affected by soil temperature and differ among collection dates, with the lowest values at the beginning and the end, and with the highest values in the middle of the study period. In December 2011, 1389 litterbags (mesh size = 1 mm) containing leaf litter (initial dry mass = 8.004–10.772 g) were placed on research plots and collected after 3, 6, 9, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43 and 58 months after the experiment started. We determined the percentage litter mass loss for each sample and mean soil temperature on each research plot. Soil microarthropods were extracted from litterbag samples using Berlese-Tullgren funnels, and mesostigmatid mites were selected using a stereomicroscope. The mites were identified to genus and/or species level including developmental stages, using a microscope with high magnification and acarological keys. In total, 19,296 gamasid mites were selected and classified into 52 taxa. The dominant species were Trachytes aegrota (C.L. Koch) (49.9% of all gamasid mites found), Veigaia nemorensis (C.L. Koch) (8.9%) and Gamasellodes bicolor (Berlese) (7.7%). We found that time of litterbag sampling did not affect abundance, species richness and diversity of gamasid mites. Moreover, litter species affected species richness and diversity of gamasid mite assemblages, however, abundance was affected when calculated per sample, but not when calculated per dry litter mass. Additionally, we found that mean soil temperature and percentage litter mass loss also significantly affected abundance and species richness, however, the impact on diversity was insignificant. Our results may help to better understand of the importance of soil fauna that has a decisive impact on soil-forming processes on degraded areas. Results could also help to choose the right tree species to improve revitalization of degraded areas by creating better conditions for edaphic fauna, including species not directly involved in the decomposition process.



分解和表层土壤的微气候(主要是湿度和土壤温度)会影响养分的利用率,以及伊达芬的结构,包括土壤螨,跳虫,线虫,昆虫和寡毛虫。土壤节肢动物分解剂是土壤营养链中捕食者的食物基础,其中包括中成年螨。我们的研究目的是描述在开垦后的采矿现场生长的混合林中14种树种的分解凋落物上的近中角蝗组合。我们假设凋落物物种将显着影响gamasid的丰度,物种丰富度和多样性。此外,我们假设与先驱者苏格兰松树凋落物相比,落叶凋落物的中鼻咽动物的丰度,物种丰富度和多样性会更高。此外,伴随分解过程,gamasid的多样性,物种丰富度和丰度将受到土壤温度的显着影响,并且在采集日期之间会有所不同,在开始和结束时值最低,在研究期间的中间值最高。2011年12月,将1389个装有树叶垃圾(初始干质量= 8.004-10.772 g)的垃圾袋放在研究区,并在3、6、9、13、19、25、31、37,实验开始后的43和58个月。我们确定了每个样品的凋落物质量损失百分比和每个研究区的平均土壤温度。使用Berlese-Tullgren漏斗从垃圾袋样品中提取土壤节肢动物,并使用体视显微镜选择中线角螨。确定了螨的属和/或物种水平,包括发育阶段,使用具有高放大倍率和自动键的显微镜。总共选择了19,296个gamasid螨并将其分类为52个分类单元。优势种是Trachytes aegrota(CL Koch)(发现的所有Gamasid螨虫占49.9%),Veigaia nemorensis(CL Koch)(8.9%)和Gamasellodes bicolor(伯利兹)(7.7%)。我们发现垃圾袋采样的时间不会影响gamasid螨的丰度,物种丰富度和多样性。此外,凋落物物种影响了gamasid螨组合的物种丰富度和多样性,但是,按每个样本计算时,其丰度会受到影响,但按干燥凋落物的质量计算时,其丰度不会受到影响。此外,我们发现平均土壤温度和凋落物质量百分比损失也显着影响丰度和物种丰富度,但是,对多样性的影响不明显。我们的结果可能有助于更好地了解土壤动物的重要性,这对于退化地区的土壤形成过程具有决定性的影响。结果还可以通过为食性动物创造更好的条件来帮助选择合适的树种,以提高退化地区的活力,
