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The Afterlife of Vitruvian Origin Myths in Eighteenth-Century Conjectural Histories of Architecture
Arethusa Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/are.2016.0007
Linda Bleijenberg , Maarten Delbeke

Although Vitruvius’s de Architectura remained known and influential throughout the Middle Ages (see, for instance, Schuler 1999 and Verbaal’s contribution to this issue), it was the famous “rediscovery” around 1414 by the Italian humanist and manuscript hunter Poggio Bracciolini that initiated a reception history that would shape architectural thinking until far into the twentieth century.1 As Pierre Gros and Indra Kagis McEwen argue, Vitruvius provided later authors with the “systèmes d’énonciation” or the “body” of architecture: the elements, tropes, and figures of thought that could be brought into play when speaking of architecture (Vitruvius 1992a.xxix and McEwen 2003). This article focuses on one moment in the reception of a particular Vitruvian trope: the eighteenth-century French interest in, and variations on, the Vitruvian account of the origins of building supplied at the beginning of the second book. The account is a mosaic of contemporary commonplaces on the origins and early history of civilization gleaned from, among others, Lucretius (Vitruvius 1999a.xvii–xx, xxxi–xxxiv, and commentary 64–76; Rykwert 1972). Vitruvius Book 2.1 offers a conjectural history of building before recorded history, with the stated aim of explaining the differences between nations in their use and application of materials. Building is placed in a sequence of skills acquired by humankind at the dawn of



尽管 Vitruvius 的 de Architectura 在整个中世纪仍然广为人知并具有影响力(例如,参见 Schuler 1999 和 Verbaal 对此问题的贡献),但正是意大利人文主义者和手稿猎人 Poggio Bracciolini 在 1414 年左右著名的“重新发现”引发了一场招待会直到 20 世纪才形成建筑思维的历史。 1 正如皮埃尔·格罗斯和因德拉·卡吉斯·麦克尤恩所说,维特鲁威为后来的作者提供了建筑的“系统化”或“身体”:元素、比喻和人物在谈到建筑时可以发挥作用的思想(Vitruvius 1992a.xxix 和 McEwen 2003)。这篇文章的重点是接受特定维特鲁威比喻的一个时刻:十八世纪法国人对,的兴趣和变化,在第二本书的开头提供了维特鲁威对建筑起源的描述。该描述是从卢克莱修等人那里收集的关于文明起源和早期历史的当代常识的马赛克拼图(Vitruvius 1999a.xvii-xx,xxxi-xxxiv,和评论 64-76;Rykwert 1972)。Vitruvius Book 2.1 在记录历史之前提供了建筑的推测历史,其既定目的是解释国家之间在材料使用和应用方面的差异。建筑被置于人类在黎明时获得的一系列技能中 里克沃特 1972)。Vitruvius Book 2.1 在记录历史之前提供了建筑的推测历史,其既定目的是解释国家之间在材料使用和应用方面的差异。建筑被置于人类在黎明时获得的一系列技能中 里克沃特 1972)。Vitruvius Book 2.1 提供了历史记录之前的推测性建筑历史,其既定目的是解释不同国家在使用和应用材料方面的差异。建筑被置于人类在黎明时获得的一系列技能中