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Horace’s Archytas Ode (1.28) and the Tomb of Archimedes in Cicero (Tusculanae Disputationes 5.64)
Arethusa Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/are.2019.0003
Cristian Tolsa

Abstract:In Odes 1.28, Horace deals with one of his favorite topics: death and the appropriate human disposition towards it, by focusing on the Pythagorean mathematician Archytas and his tomb near the sea. The paper tackles the old interpretive difficulty arising from the fact that several of the mathematician’s traits belong rather to Archimedes by arguing that Horace purposefully conflated the two mathematicians to respond to Cicero, who famously portrays himself cleaning Archimedes’ tomb in Tusculans 5.64. By identifying Archimedes with Archytas, Horace accentuates the aura of immortality attributed to Archimedes by Cicero and is able to offer his own contrasting view more forcefully.


贺拉斯的 Archytas 颂 (1.28) 和西塞罗的阿基米德之墓 (Tusculanae Disputationes 5.64)

摘要:在颂歌 1.28 中,贺拉斯通过关注毕达哥拉斯数学家阿奇塔斯和他在海边的坟墓,处理了他最喜欢的话题之一:死亡和人类对它的适当倾向。这篇论文解决了由于数学家的一些特征而不是阿基米德的事实而产生的旧解释困难,认为贺拉斯有意将这两位数学家混为一谈以回应西塞罗,西塞罗在 Tusculans 5.64 中描绘了自己清理阿基米德的坟墓。通过将阿基米德与阿奇塔斯等同起来,贺拉斯强调了西塞罗赋予阿基米德的不朽光环,并能够更有力地提供他自己的对比观点。