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Learning from Allegorical Images in the Book of Visions of The Shepherd of Hermas
Arethusa Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/are.2017.0008
Aldo Tagliabue

The Shepherd of Hermas is an early Christian text, probably written in the second century c.e.,1 that recounts a series of divine revelations given to the freed slave and Christian believer Hermas inviting him and other Church believers to experience μετάνοια, an “inner change” (Grundeken 2015a.10).2 The book receives its title from the principal mediator of the revelations, an angel of repentance who comes to Hermas in the guise of a shepherd. As many scholars point out, this text was very popular in the early Christian era, as can be seen from its closeness to the Canon,3 its wide attestation in both non-scriptural manuscripts of the time before Constantine4 and the



Hermas 的牧羊人是一部早期的基督教文本,可能写于公元 2 世纪,1 叙述了给予被释放的奴隶和基督教信徒 Hermas 的一系列神圣启示,邀请他和其他教会信徒体验 μετάνοια,一种“内在变化” (Grundeken 2015a.10).2 这本书的标题来自启示的主要调解人,一位以牧羊人的名义来到赫尔马斯的忏悔天使。正如许多学者指出的那样,该文本在早期基督教时代非常流行,从它与正典的接近程度可以看出,3 它在君士坦丁大帝之前 4 和君士坦丁堡之前的非圣经手稿中都得到了广泛的证实。