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A study of human vocal effort in response to the architectural auditory environment
Architectural Science Review Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: 10.1080/00038628.2019.1708259
Pantea Alambeigi 1 , Jane Burry 1 , Sipei Zhao 2 , Eva Cheng 3

This paper examines human auditory interaction with an architectural design hypothesized to decrease users’ vocal effort and thus enhance their speech privacy. This detailed design increased sound scattering in semi-enclosed meeting rooms within open plan offices. To achieve desirable speech intelligibility, a live sound environment is strongly recommended for meeting rooms. The research explores the hypothesis that by adding early reflections to the direct sound energy with an integrated design, the speaker as a self-listener might benefit from perceiving their own voice with more clarity. This can cause adaptive changes to subconscious vocal effort and increase the corresponding speech privacy of the space. An architecture-driven talker-quality experiment in a natural situation has been conducted in two rounds and in two different acoustic environments with 20 participants. The results implied the importance of human visual and spatial perception of privacy over auditory interaction with the environment on decreasing vocal effort. Such factors could thus be considered within the architectural design process.



本文通过一种架构设计来检验人类的听觉交互,该设计假设可以减少用户的发声努力,从而增强他们的语音隐私。这种详细的设计增加了开放式办公室内半封闭会议室的声音散射。为获得理想的语音清晰度,强烈建议会议室采用现场扩声环境。该研究探讨了这样一种假设,即通过集成设计为直接声音能量添加早期反射,作为自我聆听者的扬声器可能会受益于更清晰地感知自己的声音。这可以导致潜意识发声的适应性变化,并增加空间的相应语音隐私。在自然情况下的架构驱动的谈话者质量实验已经进行了两轮,在两个不同的声学环境中进行了 20 名参与者。结果暗示了人类视觉和空间感知隐私的重要性,而不是与环境的听觉交互对减少发声努力的重要性。因此,可以在建筑设计过程中考虑这些因素。