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Noise, Music, Speech: The Representation of Lament in Greek Tragedy
American Journal of Philology Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2017.0012
Naomi Weiss

Abstract: This article examines how lament in Greek tragedy is conceptualized as both highly skillful song and inarticulate noise, and how the slippage between these two apparently contradictory characteristics could be exploited for dramatic effect. I demonstrate how the twofold nature of lament is bound up not just with its ritual practice (the combination of the góos wail and the more formal thrēnos) but with its association with birdsong and displays of extreme emotion by females and foreigners.



摘要:本文探讨了希腊悲剧中的哀叹如何被概念化为高度熟练的歌曲和口齿不清的噪音,以及如何利用这两个明显矛盾的特征之间的滑动来产生戏剧效果。我展示了哀悼的双重性质如何不仅与其仪式实践(góos 哀号和更正式的 thrēnos 的组合)有关,而且还与鸟鸣以及女性和外国人极端情绪的表现有关。