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Putting the Wolf to Flight: Horace’s Disavowal and Deployment of Invective in C. 1.13–16 and 1.22
American Journal of Philology Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2017.0034
Kenneth Draper

Abstract:This article analyzes the dynamics of Horace’s relationship with invective in a programmatic sequence of odes, C. 1.13–16, and his subsequent commentary on this relationship in C. 1.22. While Horace tentatively engages in political blame through the allegories of 1.14 and 1.15, the poems to either side, 1.13 and1.16, announce that he is not a blame poet. In C. 1.22, Horace uses his unarmed encounter with a wolf to reflect on this earlier sequence: in putting the wolf to flight, Horace symbolically accomplishes the goal of blame poetry although his self-portrait appears to deny his capacity for invective.


让狼逃跑:贺拉斯在 C. 1.13-16 和 1.22 中的否认和谩骂

摘要:本文分析了贺拉斯在颂歌程序序列中与谩骂关系的动态,C. 1.13-16,以及他随后在 C. 1.22 中对这种关系的评论。虽然贺拉斯通过 1.14 和 1.15 的寓言暂时从事政治责备,但两边的诗 1.13 和 1.16 宣布他不是责备诗人。在 C. 1.22 中,贺拉斯用他手无寸铁的遭遇狼来反思早期的这个序列:在将狼放飞的过程中,贺拉斯象征性地完成了责备诗歌的目标,尽管他的自画像似乎否认了他谩骂的能力。