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Political Environment and US Domestic Migration
Eastern Economic Journal Pub Date : 2020-07-27 , DOI: 10.1057/s41302-020-00174-4
Selcuk Eren , Andrew W. Nutting

Using interest group ratings of Congressmen to proxy for political environment, we find that from 2005 to 2010 college graduates aged 25–40 moved to MSAs that were more economically conservative but socially liberal than their Origin MSAs and the national average MSA. Results for college graduates aged 41–60 were similar but weaker. Non-college graduates of both age groups migrated away from more conservative MSAs. Some state-level policy and MSA-level labor market controls capture much of younger college graduates’ migration toward economic conservatism, but less of that toward social liberalism, especially among the unmarried and childless. Younger college graduates migrated to socially liberal enclaves in conservative states. This geographic sorting by political orientation may have contributed to our current political polarization.



使用国会议员的利益集团评级来代表政治环境,我们发现从 2005 年到 2010 年,25-40 岁的大学毕业生搬到了经济上更保守但社会更自由的 MSA,而不是他们的 Origin MSA 和全国平均 MSA。41-60 岁的大学毕业生的结果相似但较弱。两个年龄段的非大学毕业生都远离了更保守的 MSA。一些州级政策和 MSA 级劳动力市场控制捕获了大部分年轻大学毕业生向经济保守主义的迁移,但较少向社会自由主义迁移,尤其是未婚和无子女的人群。年轻的大学毕业生迁移到保守州的社会自由飞地。这种按政治取向的地理分类可能导致了我们目前的政治两极分化。