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Political citizens, consumers, or passive patients? Imagined audiences in the complementary medicine debate
Communication Research and Practice ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-28 , DOI: 10.1080/22041451.2020.1785192
Monique Lewis 1


This is a content analysis (2011-2017) of news stories referring to an Australian-based lobby group called the Friends of Science in Medicine (FSM) who have been active in their denouncement of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in Australia. Of particular interest are the models of biocommunicability that dominated these news stories. Drawing from the works of Briggs and Hallin, these biocommunicability models enable us to consider whether the news story imagines its audience as passive patients, active patient-consumers, or engaged citizens in the public sphere. Of 76 articles, public sphere stories were the most frequent (n=54) followed by patient-consumer reports (n=36). Prioritising the voices of FSM lobbyists, news stories address their audiences as politically astute citizens or active consumers negotiating a range of healthcare options in an ambiguous healthcare landscape. These models correlate with framings of CAM as lucrative and unethical, illegitimate, with a poor evidence base.




这是对新闻报道的内容分析(2011-2017年),其中指的是一个总部位于澳大利亚的游说团体,称为“医学之友”(FSM),该团体在澳大利亚积极谴责补充和替代医学(CAM)。特别令人感兴趣的是主导这些新闻报道的生物通讯模型。这些生物传播模型借鉴了Briggs和Hallin的作品,使我们能够考虑新闻故事是否将其受众想象为被动患者,主动患者消费者或公共领域的参与公民。在76篇文章中,公共领域的故事是最常见的(n = 54),其次是患者-消费者报告(n = 36)。优先考虑FSM游说者的声音,新闻故事是针对政治上敏锐的公民或活跃的消费者,他们在模棱两可的医疗环境中就一系列医疗选择进行谈判时向他们的听众讲话。这些模型与CAM的框架相关,认为CAM有利可图,不道德,非法,且证据基础不充分。
