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Children’s attitudes towards peers with learning disabilities - the role of perceived parental behaviour, contact experiences and self-efficacy beliefs
British Journal of Special Education Pub Date : 2019-02-25 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-8578.12259
Frank Hellmich , Marwin Felix Loeper

Children with special educational needs often feel lonely in classrooms, are less accepted by their classmates and have fewer friendships. Their classmates' positive attitudes towards them are important for their social participation in inclusive classrooms. According to the theory of social referencing, children's attitudes towards peers with special educational needs are influenced by the role model behaviour of their parents. Therefore, we examined the relevance of children's perceptions of parental behaviour in terms of their attitudes towards peers with learning disabilities. This was done by investigating N = 753 children's attitudes, depending on their perceptions of parental behaviour towards peers with special educational needs, their contact experiences and their self‐efficacy beliefs concerning their interpersonal skills. The results indicate that their attitudes are predicted by their perceptions of parental behaviour, their contact experiences and their self‐efficacy beliefs. The effect of perceived parental behaviour on children's attitudes is mediated by their self‐efficacy beliefs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]



有特殊教育需要的孩子通常在教室里感到孤独,不被同学接受,并且友谊也较少。同学们对他们的积极态度对于他们参与包容性教室的社会参与至关重要。根据社会参照理论,儿童对有特殊教育需求的同伴的态度受父母的榜样行为影响。因此,我们从儿童对有学习障碍的同伴的态度方面研究了儿童对父母行为的看法的相关性。这是通过调查N = 753个孩子的态度来完成的,这取决于他们对有特殊教育需求的同龄人的父母行为的看法,他们的接触经历和关于人际交往能力的自我效能感信念。结果表明,他们的态度是由他们对父母行为的看法,他们的接触经历和他们的自我效能感信念所预测的。父母行为的感知对孩子态度的影响是由他们的自我效能感信念介导的。[作者的摘要]