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Male Adolescents’ Sexual Behavior and the Role of Testosterone
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology Pub Date : 2019-12-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s40750-019-00123-2
Aleksandar Štulhofer , Goran Koletić , Ivan Landripet , Gert Martin Hald , Jadranka Knežević Ćuća

Given the paucity of studies focusing on testosterone (T) and adolescent sexuality, and their conflicting findings, we aimed to empirically address two competing conceptualizations of the link between T and sexual behavior in adolescence: (1) the T as sexual motivator and (2) the T as competition-sensitive sexual motivator models. The study used data from a longitudinal study of 252 male Croatian adolescents who provided a saliva sample at the final data collection wave (at the age of 18). Applying multivariate statistical procedures, we tested links between salivary T levels and a range of partnered and non-partnered sexual behaviors—partly in retrospect. Only one significant association emerged—a robust link between T at the age of 18 and the number of lifetime sexual partners. Considering the evidence that multiple sexual partners can enhance male adolescents’ social status, our findings support the T as competition-sensitive sexual motivator model. Although this study could not distinguish between direct and indirect influences of T on adolescents’ sexuality, it confirmed the value of biopsychosocial approach to adolescent sexuality.



鉴于针对睾丸激素(T)和青春期性行为的研究很少,并且他们的研究结果相互矛盾,我们旨在实证研究T与青春期性行为之间联系的两种相互竞争的概念化:(1)T是性动机。 )作为竞争敏感的性动机模型。该研究使用了来自252名克罗地亚男性青少年的纵向研究数据,他们在最终数据收集浪潮(18岁)时提供了唾液样本。应用多元统计程序,我们测试了唾液T水平与一系列伴侣和非伴侣性行为之间的联系-部分是回顾性的。仅出现了一个重要的关联-18岁的T与终生性伴侣之间的牢固联系。考虑到有多个性伴侣可以提高男性青少年的社会地位的证据,我们的研究结果支持T作为竞争敏感的性动机模型。尽管这项研究无法区分T对青少年性行为的直接和间接影响,但它证实了生物心理社会学方法对青少年性行为的价值。