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Years/Fears: From Artist to Teacher to Somewhere In-Between
Teaching Artist Journal Pub Date : 2018-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/15411796.2018.1470389
Kate Sheridan

ABSTRACT As I began my first year of graduate school - admittedly, a shaky start of my own - a group of my former students began to struggle with their transition to high school. Upon hearing this from my friend, colleague, and their current theatre teacher (who I will call Ms. M), I developed a workshop curriculum focused upon health for the artist to facilitate for her company. Both the development of this curriculum and the facilitation of the workshop itself brought on an incredibly cathartic reflection of my own journey towards prioritizing health as an artist. This is the product of that, with the workshop materials I created interspersed for anyone who may wish to recreate a similar experience for their company - said Ms. M afterwards: “This should be taught every year to every high school and college theatre company - it is just SO important.” I hope you feel the same!



摘要 当我开始读研究生的第一年 - 诚然,我自己的开端不稳定 - 我以前的一群学生开始为他们向高中的过渡而奋斗。从我的朋友、同事和他们现任的戏剧老师(我将称她为 M 女士)那里听到这个消息后,我制定了一个以艺术家健康为重点的工作坊课程,以促进她的陪伴。本课程的开发和研讨会本身的便利都为我自己作为艺术家优先考虑健康的旅程带来了令人难以置信的宣泄。这就是它的产物,我为那些希望为他们的公司重新创造类似体验的人穿插了我创建的研讨会材料 - M女士事后说:“这应该每年都教授给每个高中和大学剧院公司——这太重要了。” 我希望你也有同样的感觉!