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Cautivos de los Discursos: Parodia de la Novela Histórica Post-Dictatorial en El Placer de la Cautiva de Leopoldo Brizuela
Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00397709.2018.1493264
Wojciech Tokarz 1

Abstract After the fall of the last dictatorship in Argentina, the historical novel has undergone profound transformations encouraging literary critics to associate it with the process of the redemocratization of the region. Indeed, the genre can be seen to express an important political dimension promoting democracy, diversity, and inclusion. It can, on occasion, rewrite national history and include new and often unorthodox perspectives on the past, thereby rescuing traditionally marginalized groups from oblivion. However, the fictionalization of history and the transformation of its discourse are formulated from a perspective deeply rooted in modernity, and the democratic project extrapolated from these novels is limited, therefore, to a mere reorganization of traditional discourses that persistently excludes groups of non-European heritage from the national project. The short novel El placer de la cautiva by Leopoldo Brizuela, analyzed in this article, offers a parody of the genre that draws on the disconnect between the democratic dimension of historical fiction and the ongoing marginalization of indigenous peoples in Argentina.


Cautivos de los Discursos: Parodia de la Novela Histórica Post-Dictatorial en El Placer de la Cautiva de Leopoldo Brizuela

摘要 阿根廷最后一届独裁政权垮台后,历史小说发生了深刻的转变,促使文学评论家将其与该地区的再民主化进程联系起来。事实上,这一类型可以被视为表达了促进民主、多样性和包容性的重要政治维度。有时,它可以改写国家历史,并包含对过去的新的且通常是非正统的观点,从而使传统上被边缘化的群体免于被遗忘。然而,历史的虚构化及其话语的转变是从深深植根于现代性的角度来制定的,从这些小说中推断出来的民主工程是有限的,因此,仅仅对传统话语进行重组,坚持将非欧洲遗产群体排除在国家项目之外。本文分析的 Leopoldo Brizuela 的短篇小说 El placer de la cautiva 模仿了这一类型,利用历史小说的民主维度与阿根廷土著人民持续边缘化之间的脱节。