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The Way of the Majority’s World: Language as a Bildung Lesson in Tomás Rivera’s … y no se lo tragó la tierra and Azouz Begag’s Le Gone du Chaâba
Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00397709.2019.1633803
Alvaro Luna 1

Abstract This article examines how the Bildungsroman has evolved to portray modernity in contemporary multicultural France and the United States through a comparative study of Tomás Rivera’s 1971 novel … y no se lo tragó la tierra and Le Gone du Chaâba (1986) by Azouz Begag. In these novels, the realization of domestic modes of expression as “illegitimate” in public spaces constitutes a distinct Bildung apprenticeship. Such a lesson on linguistic hierarchy is crucial for the protagonists’ entrance into the social world. However, the texts’ adoption of linguistic practices associated with migrant and postmigration communities, or in Rivera’s case, writing in the immigrant language, nuances the “language lesson” and reveals a counterhegemonic dimension of this subgenre of the Bildungsroman.


多数人的世界之路:Tomás Rivera 的……y no se lo tragó la tierra 和 Azouz Begag 的 Le Gone du Chaâba 中的语言作为教学课程

摘要 本文通过对托马斯·里维拉 (Tomás Rivera) 1971 年的小说…… y no se lo tragó la tierra 和 Le Gone du Chaâba (1986) 由 Azouz Begag 进行的比较研究,探讨了成长小说如何演变为描绘当代多元文化法国和美国的现代性。在这些小说中,将家庭表达方式在公共场所实现为“非法”构成了一种独特的教育学徒制。这样一堂关于语言等级的课程对于主角进入社会世界至关重要。然而,文本采用与移民和移民后社区相关的语言实践,或者在里维拉的案例中,用移民语言写作,微妙地改变了“语言课”,并揭示了成长小说这一子类型的反霸权维度。