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The Voice of Edelma Zapata Pérez (1954-2010) – Afro-Colombian Poet Interviewed By: Patricia Rodríguez-Martínez
Romance Studies Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02639904.2020.1739921
Patricia Rodríguez-Martínez 1

ABSTRACT As part of her research on Afro-Colombian Poetry, Patricia Rodríguez-Martínez interviewed Edelma Zapata Pérez, the daughter of Manuel Zapata Olivella and niece of Juan Zapata Olivella. These poets, uncle and niece, belonged to a well-known family of artists and intellectuals, professionals and public servants. As representatives of the Afro-Colombian people, they challenged and resisted not only systemic ‘traditional’ discrimination, but also systemic paramilitary and guerrilla violence and displacement against Afro-Colombian communities in recent decades. The interview was published in Spanish in Bogotá, Colombia by Panamericana Editorial in a collection of essays and interviews entitled: Hijas del Muntu: Biografías críticas de mujeres afrodescendientes de América Latina. Jaramillo, MM & L. Ortiz (2011).


Edelma Zapata Pérez (1954-2010) 之声 – 非裔哥伦比亚诗人 采访者:帕特里夏·罗德里格斯·马丁内斯 (Patricia Rodríguez-Martínez)

摘要 作为非裔哥伦比亚诗歌研究的一部分,帕特里夏·罗德里格斯-马丁内斯采访了曼努埃尔·萨帕塔·奥利维拉的女儿和胡安·萨帕塔·奥利维拉的侄女埃德尔玛·萨帕塔·佩雷斯。这些诗人叔叔侄女出身于著名的艺术家和知识分子、专业人士和公务员家庭。作为非裔哥伦比亚人的代表,他们不仅挑战和抵制了系统性的“传统”歧视,而且还挑战和抵制了近几十年来针对非裔哥伦比亚人社区的系统性准军事和游击暴力以及流离失所。该采访由泛美社论在哥伦比亚波哥大以西班牙语发表在论文和采访合集中,标题为:Hijas del Muntu: Biografías críticas de mujeres afrodescendientes de América Latina。Jaramillo, MM & L. Ortiz (2011)。