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Aliens and Alienation in Pierre Boulle’s La Planète des Singes
Romance Studies Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02639904.2020.1766858
Paul Scott 1

ABSTRACT This article offers a radical re-reading of Pierre Boulle’s Planète des singes (1963), a novel dealing with interplanetary exploration in 2500 and the discovery of a world in the Betelgeuse system with three orders of rational simian species and a subjugated humanoid race void of rationality and abused by the primates on the planet. This close of the novel focuses on the narrator’s love affairs with two extraterrestrial females (one a low-intelligence humanoid, the other a rational chimpanzee-like creature). In this framed science-fiction novel, Boulle creates a first-person narrative with a dislikeable central character, Ulysse, who unwittingly engineers the downfall and extinction of humankind. I propose that the work should be interpreted less in the satiric tradition, with which it undoubtedly possesses affinities, and more as a veiled and sustained critique of Western capitalism and the consumerist society of the reader. Boulle subtly uses the taboo relationships of Ulysse with two aliens as a reflection on social codes and agencies of control.


皮埃尔·布勒 (Pierre Boulle) 的《辛格星球》中的外星人和异化

摘要 本文提供了对皮埃尔·布尔 (Pierre Boulle) 的《行星之星》(1963 年) 的彻底重读,这是一部关于 2500 年行星际探索的小说,以及在参宿四系统中发现的一个世界,该世界具有三个理性的猿类物种和一个被征服的类人种族虚空被地球上的灵长类动物滥用。这部小说的结尾重点讲述了叙述者与两个外星女性(一个是低智商的人形生物,另一个是理性的类黑猩猩的生物)的爱情故事。在这部有框架的科幻小说中,布尔创造了一个第一人称叙事,其中心人物尤利西斯令人讨厌,他不知不觉地设计了人类的灭亡和灭绝。我建议应该在讽刺传统中少解释这部作品,它无疑与讽刺传统有着密切的关系,更像是对西方资本主义和读者消费主义社会的隐蔽和持续的批评。Boulle 巧妙地利用雅典与两个外星人的禁忌关系来反映社会规范和控制机构。