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Diamond Desire – Probing the Epistemological Entanglements of Geology and Ethnography at Diamang (Angola)
South African Historical Journal ( IF 0.526 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02582473.2020.1836021
João Figueiredo 1

ABSTRACT In the wake of the Anthropocene there is a growing body of literature questioning the colonial and imperialistic underpinnings of geology, mineralogy and mining sciences. When focused on the African continent, these critiques echo and complement previous analyses of the role that anthropology has played as the ‘handmaiden of colonialism’. This article proposes to liken the two debates by focusing on the ethnographic practices promoted by the Angolan diamond mining company Diamang (1917–1988) during the interwar period. It argues that mineral desire, the greed for mineral resources such as diamonds, copper or gold, was the drive behind the introduction of ethnographic collecting and field-working to the Portuguese colony. The implications of this shift in perspective will be explored regarding the ongoing restitution debate. First, the article demonstrates that the history of the objects collected by Diamang disrupts ‘classic’ readings of the history of Portuguese anthropology focused on ‘disciplinary big men’ and their agendas. Second, it shows how the gathering and interpretation of ethnographic and archaeological data were totally integrated into the extractive apparatus of Diamang. The article then concludes by suggesting that the decolonisation of ethnographic collections must consider their entanglements with mining, geology and mineralogy.



摘要 在人类世之后,越来越多的文献质疑地质学、矿物学和采矿科学的殖民主义和帝国主义基础。当关注非洲大陆时,这些批评呼应并补充了先前对人类学作为“殖民主义的婢女”所扮演的角色的分析。本文拟以安哥拉钻石矿业公司 Diamang(1917-1988)在两次世界大战期间推动的民族志实践为重点,将这两场辩论进行比较。它认为,对矿物资源的渴望,即对钻石、铜或黄金等矿产资源的贪婪,是将人种学收集和实地工作引入葡萄牙殖民地的驱动力。将在正在进行的归还辩论中探讨这种观点转变的影响。第一的,文章表明,Diamang 收集的物品的历史破坏了葡萄牙人类学历史的“经典”解读,重点是“学科大人物”及其议程。其次,它展示了如何将人种学和考古学数据的收集和解释完全整合到迪亚芒的提取装置中。文章最后提出,民族志收藏的非殖民化必须考虑它们与采矿、地质和矿物学的纠葛。它展示了如何将人种学和考古数据的收集和解释完全整合到 Diamang 的提取装置中。文章最后提出,民族志收藏的非殖民化必须考虑它们与采矿、地质和矿物学的纠葛。它展示了如何将人种学和考古学数据的收集和解释完全整合到 Diamang 的提取装置中。文章最后提出,民族志收藏的非殖民化必须考虑它们与采矿、地质和矿物学的纠葛。