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“I Love Us for Real”: Exploring Homeplace as a Site of Healing and Resistance for Black Girls in Schools
Equity & Excellence in Education Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2020.1791283
Lauren Leigh Kelly 1

ABSTRACT Extant research on the education of Black girls primarily focuses on urban settings, distances study participants from the outcomes of the research, and positions Black girls as problems to be solved, rather than as critical and sociopolitical actors and agents of change. This qualitative case study enacts a humanizing research approach in exploring the experiences of a group of Black twelfth grade girls in a predominantly white high school in order to discover how they developed tools for navigating and resisting the oppression they experience through their racialized and gendered identities. Focusing on the participants’ co-construction of homeplaces for resistance and survival in school, this study reveals the need for teachers and school leaders to develop anti-racist, anti-oppressive school policies and practices. This study highlights how understanding the schooling experiences of Black girls is necessary for developing schools that foster healing, solidarity, and a critical consciousness necessary for social transformation.



摘要 现有关于黑人女孩教育的研究主要集中在城市环境、研究参与者与研究结果的距离,并将黑人女孩定位为有待解决的问题,而不是关键的社会政治参与者和变革推动者。这个定性案例研究采用了一种人性化的研究方法,探索了一群以白人为主的高中的十二年级黑人女孩的经历,以发现她们如何开发工具来应对和抵制她们通过种族和性别身份所经历的压迫。本研究关注参与者在学校共同建设抵抗和生存的家园,揭示了教师和学校领导制定反种族主义、反压迫的学校政策和实践的必要性。